Search results - 403 results
Integrating technical and political views for a sustainable European Distributed Infrastructure on Population Health.
an integrated and sustainable European Distributed Infrastructure on Population Health (DIP oH) for research and evidence-informed policy-making. METHODS: InfAct established two main boards, the ...
QALY losses for chronic diseases and its social distribution in the general population: results from the Belgian Health Interview Survey
disease on mortality and morbidity into a single index. This study aims to estimate the burden of chronic diseases in terms of QALY losses and to model its social distribution for the general population. ...
Variation in smoking attributable all-cause mortality across municipalities in Belgium, 2018: application of a Bayesian approach for small area estimations
the spatial distribution of smoking attributable mortality at small geographical scale (i.e., number of deaths that can be attributed to tobacco). The objective of this study was to obtain estimates of ...
Fasciola spp. in Southeast Asia: a systematic review and meta-analysis protocol
health threat in a number of regions worldwide, including Southeast Asia. Up to now, a summary of current knowledge on the occurrence and the distribution in Southeast Asia is lacking. We therefore aim to ...
Assessing the burden of Taenia solium cysticercosis in Burundi, 2020
(zDALYs). Different probability distributions (Uniform, Beta, Dirichlet and Gamma) were applied depending on the type of epidemiological parameter. Monte Carlo simulations and 100,000 iterations were used to ...
Lyme borreliosis in Belgium: a cost-of-illness analysis
medical costs, direct non-medical and indirect non-medical costs associated with LB to exceed €5.5 million per year, almost evenly distributed between EM (40%) and disseminated/late LB (60%). EM costs 26 ...
Burden of foodborne disease due to bacterial hazards associated with beef, dairy, poultry meat, and vegetables in Ethiopia and Burkina Faso, 2017
in both countries was substantial. Uncertainty distributions around the estimates spanned several orders of magnitude. This reflects data limitations, as well as variability in the transmission and ...
Towards a generic protocol for measuring the constituent particle size distribution of E171 in food by electron microscopy
Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Eveline Verleysen; Frederic Brassinne; Frederic Van Steen; Nadia Waegeneers; Karlien Cheyns; Ronny Machiels; Stella Mathioudaki; Isaac Ojea Jimenez; Ledecq, Marina; Jan Mast Source: Food Control, ...
Mapping abundance distributions of allergenic tree species in urbanized landscapes: A nation-wide study for Belgium using forest inventory and citizen science data
science Forest mapping respiratory health Species distribution modelling Urban vegetation Abstract: Mapping the distribution of allergenic plants in urbanized landscapes is of high importance to evaluate ...
Pre-vaccination SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence among staff and residents of nursing homes in Flanders (Belgium) in fall 2020
coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) IgG antibodies, using dried blood spots, was determined in October–November 2020, among residents and staff randomly selected from 20 nursing homes (NH) geographically distributed in ...