Search results - 403 results

Selection and use of reference panels: a case study highlighting current gaps in the materials available for foot and mouth disease.

assays used to measure virus-specific FMD antibody responses. Since there are often limited resources to prepare and distribute these materials, sustainable progress in this arena will only be achievable ...

Clinical Origin and Species Distribution of spp. Isolates Identified by Molecular Sequencing and Mass Spectrometry: A European Multicenter Hospital Prospective Study.

network, we aim to study the species distribution of spp. isolates in an international multicenter prospective study. This study also allowed the assessment of the abilities of miscellaneous techniques to ...

Urban environment and mental health: the NAMED project, protocol for a mixed-method study

article presents the study protocol of a project called Nature Impact on Mental Health Distribution that aims to generate a comprehensive understanding of associations between mental health and the urban ...

Psychological distress associated with the COVID-19 pandemic and suppression measures during the first wave in Belgium

Methods An online survey was distributed to the general population in Belgium 3 days after the beginning of the lockdown. 20,792 respondents participated. The psychological distress of the population was ...

Concentrations and distribution of chlorinated paraffins in Belgian foods

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Thomas J. McGrath; Franck Limonier; Poma, Giulia; Jasper Bombeke; Raf Winand; Kevin Vanneste; Mirjana Andjelkovic; Els Van Hoeck; Laure Joly; Covaci, Adrian Source: Environmental Pollution, Volum ...

METROFOOD-RI: Pilot services with physical, remote and virtual access

infrastructure, funded upon the EU H2020 METROFOOD- PP project for its Preparatory Phase, aiming to establish a new distributed European Research Infrastructure (RI) to promote scientific excellence and increase ...

Review: Vaccines and Vaccination against Lumpy Skin Disease

Vaccination Abstract: The geographical distribution of lumpy skin disease (LSD), an economically important cattle disease caused by a capripoxvirus, has reached an unprecedented extent. Vaccination is the only ...

Prevalence and associated factors of burnout risk among intensive care and emergency nurses before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional study in Belgium

unit and emergency nurses in Belgium using 2 self-administered online questionnaires distributed just before the pandemic (January 2020, n = 422) and during the first peak of the pandemic (April 2020, ...

Organisation of Multi-Mycotoxin Proficiency Tests: Evaluation of the Performances of the Laboratories Using the Triple A Rating Approach

to be homogenously distributed in both materials with no significant changes during the timescale of the PT s. Next, the materials were distributed to approximately 25 participating laboratories from ...

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