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Classical swine fever virus detection: results of a real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction ring trial conducted in the framework of the European network of excellence for epizootic disease diagnosis and control.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Hoffmann, Bernd; Blome, Sandra; Bonilauri, Paolo; Fernández-Piñero, Jovita; Greiser-Wilke, Irene; Andy Haegeman; Isaksson, Mats; F. Koenen; LeBlanc, Neil; Leifer, Immanuel; Le Potier, Marie-Frédé ...

Haemorrhagic diathesis in neonatal calves: an emerging syndrome in Europe.

diarrhoea virus, bluetongue and epizootic haemorrhagic disease virus was negative. Several attempts to isolate a viral agent were unsuccessful. Health Topics:  Animal health Category:  A1 FOS Classification:  ...

Bluetongue virus detection by real-time RT-PCR in Culicoides captured during the 2006 epizootic in Belgium and development of an internal control.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Vanbinst, T; Frank Vandenbussche; Vandemeulebroucke, E; Ilse De Leeuw; Deblauwe, I; De Deken, G; Madder, M; Haubruge, E; Losson, B; Kris De Clercq Source: Transbound Emerg Dis, Volume 56, Issue 5 ...

Epidemiologic, pathogenic and molecular analysis of recent encephalomyocarditis outbreaks in Belgium.

showed that the 1995-96 EMCV epizootic in Belgium was due to a new virus introduction. Furthermore, the VP1 coding gene is proposed as a marker of virulence. Health Topics:  Animal health Category:  A1 FOS ...

An experimental infection with classical swine fever virus in weaner pigs. I. Transmission of the virus, course of the disease, and antibody response.

isolated in the first CSF infected herd of the 1993-1994 Belgian epizootic, was examined in an isolation unit with three adjacent pens and 15 weaner pigs per pen. Virus was introduced through experimental ...

An experimental infection with a classical swine fever virus in weaner pigs. II. The use of serological data to estimate the day of virus introduction in natural outbreaks.

model was applied to seroprevalence data from three outbreaks of the 1993-1994 epizootic to test whether the model could predict correctly the day of virus introduction into the herd. It was concluded ...

Evaluation of the complex trapping blocking-ELISA in a serological survey during the Belgian classical swine fever epizootic in 1990.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: F. Koenen; Ann Brigitte Cay; Lefebvre, J; Desmet, A Source: Vet Rec, Volume 131, Issue 17, p.396 (1992) Keywords: Animals Antibodies, Viral Belgium Classical Swine Fever Classical swine fever vir ...

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