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Search results - 123 results

In silico epitope analysis of unique and membrane associated proteins from Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis for immunogenicity and vaccine evaluation.

paratuberculosis disease affecting ruminants worldwide. The aim of this study was to identify potential candidate antigens and epitopes by bio and immuno-informatic tools which could be later evaluated as vaccines ...

Depth and lateral deviations in guided implant surgery: an RCT comparing guided surgery with mental navigation or the use of a pilot-drill template.

mental navigation, or a pilot-drill template. Accuracy was assessed by matching the planning CT with a postoperative CBCT. Deviations were registered in a vertical (depth) and horizontal (lateral) plane. ...

Persistence of the protective immunity and kinetics of the isotype specific antibody response against the viral nucleocapsid protein after experimental Schmallenberg virus infection of sheep.

15 months later. Production of neutralizing SBV specific antibodies was first detected around 6 days post primo-inoculation with VNT and correlated with the appearance of SBV-N specific IgM antibodies. These ...

Comparison of sample types and analytical methods for the detection of highly campylobacter-colonized broiler flocks at different stages in the poultry meat production chain.

propidium monoazide [PMA]-qPCR) applied for the quantification of the Campylobacter colonization level. In addition, the applicability of the lateral flow-based immunoassay, Singlepath(®) Direct Campy Poultry ...

Nosocomial Intravascular Catheter Infections with Extended-spectrum Beta-lactamase-producing Escherichia coli in Calves after Strain Introduction from a Commercial Herd

mortality, to the clinic through admission of diarrhoeic calves was provided. Strains isolated from phlebitis cases from other herds up to 5 months later showed a high similarity with the initial strain, ...

Accuracy of linear measurements using three imaging modalities: two lateral cephalograms and one 3D model from CBCT data.

SOFTWARE Abstract: BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of linear measurements on three imaging modalities: lateral cephalograms from a cephalometric machine with ...

Interferon-gamma expression and infectivity of Toxoplasma infected tissues in experimentally infected sheep in comparison with pigs36967

occurred which seemed to be a slightly more pronounced in sheep. In sheep, also IL-10 and IL-4 mRNA expression showed an increase, but later than IFN-gamma and with more variation. However, in pigs no such ...

Interferon-gamma expression and infectivity of Toxoplasma infected tissues in experimentally infected sheep in comparison with pigs.

showed an increase, but later than IFN-gamma and with more variation. However, in pigs no such increase was seen. As concerning diagnosis, results indicate that serum antibodies against GRA7 in live sheep ...

Biosafety Recommendations on the Handling of Animal Cell Cultures

use Abstract: The first steps in tissue culture are dating back to the beginning of the nineteenth century when biosafety measures did not yet exist. Later on, animal cell culture became essential for ...

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