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Search results - 123 results
Sixteen-year follow-up of Barrett's esophagus, endoscopically treated with argon plasma coagulation.
metaplastic epithelium using APC, up to 16 years later. RESULTS: At the end of the initial treatment, 25 of 32 patients (78%) had complete endoscopic eradication, there was partial squamous re-epithelialization ...
Een cluster van invasieve meningokokkeninfectie 34045
kinderen werden mogelijk besmet door dezelfde persoon tijdens de kerstvakantie. Vier maanden later ontwikkelde een driejarig meisje uit dezelfde klas, samen met haar zusje van één jaar een invasieve ...
False-positive results in metagenomic virus discovery: a strong case for follow-up diagnosis.
predicted hyperviraemic state of an animal that a few days later presented with these clinical signs. Bioinformatics analysis of the resulting data from the DNA virus identification workflow (a total of ...
Een uitbraak van tinea capitis in een lagere school in de provincie Antwerpen, een uitdaging voor preventive en behandeling
weken later verzameld en getest in een gespecialiseerd laboratorium. We voerden een retrospectieve cohortestudie uit. We definieerden een vermoedelijk geval als een leerling van de school waarbij de ...
The combination of attenuated Newcastle disease (ND) vaccine with rHVT-ND vaccine at 1 day old is more protective against ND virus challenge than when combined with inactivated ND vaccine.
would induce a long-lasting immunity, with no need for a booster vaccination at a later age. In this context, the duration of immunity delivered by a vaccination programme including a recombinant ...
Falls among older general practice patients: a 2-year nationwide surveillance study.
describe the main characteristics of falls, fallers and fall risks; factors associated with multiple fall risks and the co-occurrence of fall risks; patient status 3 months later and care delivery. METHODS: ...
Distinction between persistent and transient infection in a bovine viral diarrhoea (BVD) control programme: appropriate interpretation of real-time RT-PCR and antigen-ELISA test results.
40 days later from 74 PCR positive animals to detect persistent viremia: 17 (23%) of these were still PCR positive and considered to be PI and the 57 that no longer tested positive were assumed to be ...
Sick leave due to back pain in a cohort of young workers.
antecedents of LBP in the year before inclusion. We investigated the role of potential physical, psychosocial and individual risk factors at baseline on the occurrence of sick leave due to LBP 1 year later. To ...
Analysis of chlormequat residue in milk by UPLC-MS/MS
regulator generally used to promote lateral branching and flowering of ornamental plants. It is also frequently used to improve yields for different types of cereals in Europe. These cereals are often ...
Clinical pattern characterization of cattle naturally infected by BTV-8.
quite obviously visible (lethargy, conjunctivitis, lesions of nasal mucosa, nasal discharge). Skin lesions, a drop in milk production and weight loss appeared later in the course of the disease. ...