Search results - 253 results
Trends of Clostridioides difficile infections in Belgian hospitals, between 2010 and 2022
was obtained through the national surveillance of CDI in Belgian acute hospitals. Hospitals voluntarily participating should report at least for one semester. Data are collected, validated, and reported ...
Validation of the measurement of Aluminium in food by ICP-OES after acid digestion
VALIDATION Abstract: Aluminium is the third most abundant element within the Earth’s crust, making this element often occur in foodstuffs. Its presence in food can stem from natural occurrences, the use of ...
Multidimensional chromatographic fingerprinting combined with chemometrics for the identification of regulated plants in suspicious plant food supplements
explored: (a) binary modelling and (b) multiclass modelling. The correct classification rate % (ccr%) for cross validation, modelling and external test prediction were used to select the optimal model for ...
Discrepancies between validated GC‐FID and UHPLC‐DAD methods for the analysis of Δ‐9‐THC and CBD in dried hemp flowers
Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Céline Duchateau; Cedric De Leersnijder; Sophia Barhdadi; Michael Canfyn; De Braekeleer, Kris; Eric Deconinck Source: Drug Testing and Analysis, Volume 14, Issue 10 (2022) Keywords: agricultural ...
Introduction of WGS in food microbiology: advantages and challenges
implementation. As with the implementation of any method the validations of the WGS methodology requires a significant effort. Furthermore, the interpretation of the results should be done with care. Therefore, in ...
Validated alternative methods available for human Health and Safety assessment of cosmetic products and their ingredients in the European Union
Publication Type: Scientific book or chapter Authors: Rogiers, Vera; Anouck Thienpont; Mona Delagrange; Birgit Mertens; Vanhaecke, Tamara Source: Validated alternative methods available for human ...
Surveillance de la mortalité COVID-19 en Belgique, épidémiologie et méthodologie durant la 1re et 2e vague (mars 2020- 14 février 2021)
fortement corrélée avec la surmortalité toutes causes confondues en Belgique. La surmortalité a été un indicateur clé dans l’épidémie de COVID-19 pour valider le fait que la déclaration épidémiologique de la ...
Surveillance of COVID-19 mortality in Belgium, epidemiology and methodology during 1st and 2nd wave (March 2020- 14 February 2021)
correlated with excess all-cause mortality in Belgium. The excess mortality was a key indicator in the COVID-19 epidemic to validate that the epidemiological reporting of COVID-19-related mortality was ...
Chemical and toxciological characterization of e-liquid cigarettes
analytical methods used in these studies have not always been well validated and thus the results of these studies need to be critically examined; three main problems could be uncovered: (1) the content of ...
Modelling for Taenia solium control strategies beyond 2020
for neglected tropical diseases called for the development of a validated strategy for control of T. solium; however, such a strategy is not yet available. In 2019, WHO launched a global consultation ...