Search results - 253 results
A validated ultra high pressure liquid chromatographic method for qualification and quantification of folic acid in pharmaceutical preparations
tolerance UPLC variation variations WATER waters Abstract: A fully validated HPLC-method for the identification and quantification of folic acid in pharmaceutical preparations was transferred to UPLC. The ...
Validation of a multi-residue LC-MS/MS method for the determnation of b- blockers and tranquilisers in swine kidney
VII, NA, Issue EuroResidue, NA (2012) Keywords: b- blockers Commission Decision 2002/657/EC Kidney LC-MS/MS method Swine tranquilizers VALIDATION Service: Éléments traces et nanomatériaux Spoorelementen ...
Development and validation of a UHPLC-UV method for the detection and quantification of erectile dysfunction drugs and some of their analogues found in counterfeit medicines
Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: P.Y. Sacré; Eric Deconinck; Chiap,P.; Crommen,J.; Rozet,E.; Patricia Courselle; J.L. de Beer; la Caridad Source: HPLC 2011, Issue Hungarian Society for Separation Sciences (2012) Key ...
Determination of the migration of primary aromatic amines from polyamide kitchenware using UPLC-MS/MS
chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry. Quantification is carried out using an external calibration curve. The method is validated in-house and has also been used for the analysis of real samples. It ...
Développement et validation d'un protocole d'étude sérologique et lié au comportement des infections par VHB, VHC et VIH chez les toxicomanes ayant consommé des drogues par injection dans un passé récent (DRID)
de ET INFECTION infections injection LE PAR VALIDATION VIH Service: Information sanitaire Gezondheidsinformatie Health information ...
Ontwikkeling en validatie van een serologisch en gedragsgerelateerd studieprotocol naar HCV-, HBV- en HIV-infecties bij recent injecterende drugsgebruikers tot realisatie van de registratie van de drugs related infectious diseases (DRID)
de disease Diseases DRUG drugs EN HBV HCV INFECTION infections Infectious Infectious diseases injection LE PAR VALIDATION VIH Service: Information sanitaire Gezondheidsinformatie Health information ...
Rapport annuel du GMOLAB concernant les dossiers de validation pour l'identification des organismes génétiquement modifiés
Sciacqua,M.; Anne-Marie Vanherle Source: WIV-ISP, PBB, Brussels, Belgium, p.89 (2012) Keywords: de GMOlab LE rapport rapport annuel VALIDATION Service: Activités transversales en génomique appliquée Transversal ...
Further evidence for the widespread co-circulation of lineages 4b and 7 velogenic Newcastle disease viruses in rural Nigeria.
in rural poultry and pigeons in Nigeria and highlight the importance of surveillance in developing countries to monitor the validity of rapid molecular diagnostic tools and of vaccination regimes. ...
Validation of a multi-residue analysis method for macrolides in muscle and kidney
EU-RL ANSES Fougères, NA (2012) Keywords: analysis Kidney Macrolides method Muscle VALIDATION Health Topics: Food consumption and food safety Consommation et sécurité alimentaires Voedselconsumptie en ...
Dietary intake of artificial sweeteners by the Belgian population.
for cyclamate, 17% for saccharin, and 16% for sucralose of the respective ADI s. Assessment of intake using a Tier 3 approach was preceded by optimisation and validation of an analytical method based on ...