Search results - 84 results

Validation and measurement uncertainty in GMO analysis

Issue =Eurachem, NA (2011) Keywords: analysi analysis Development GMO measurement measurement uncertainty (MU) uncertainty VALIDATION Workshop Health Topics:  Food consumption and food safety Consommation ...

A modified sample preparation for acrylamide determination in cocoa and coffee products

VALIDATION variation work Abstract: A modified sample preparation for acrylamide determination in difficult matrices such as cocoa and coffee by a liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry method is ...

Determination of acrylamide levels in selected foods in Brazil

Sample Samples Temperature VALIDATION variation Abstract: Selected carbohydrate-rich foods available on the Brazilian market (111 samples representing 19 product categories) were analysed for acrylamide ...

The Determination of Chemical Elements in FoodMethod Validation for Food Analysis: Concepts and Use of Statistical Techniques

(2006) ISBN: 9780471687849 Keywords: detection capabilities food analysis method validation matrix interferences and standard-solution-based calibration line Health Topics:  Food consumption and food ...

Optimisation of a liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometric method for the determination of acrylamide in foods

Potato products PRODUCTS purification relative Reproducibility result results Sample SENSITIVITY study Tandem Mass Spectrometry Term Test tests time treatment VALIDATION variation Abstract: A robust and ...

An Alternative Method Validation Strategy for the European Decision 2002/657/EC

:// Keywords: 2002/657/EC Detection capability Precision VALIDATION Abstract: Validation; 2002/657/ EC; Detection ...

Pyrrolizidine alkaloids in herbs and related foodstuffs (PASHERBS)

validated in-house and the method’s performances were within the criteria allowed by Directive 2002/657/ CE and SANTE /11945/2015. A structured sampling plan has been established for more than 1200 samples ...

Food contamination with pyrrolizidine alkaloids: the expected and the unexpected

Tunisia (2018) Keywords: Belgium exposure Method validation Pyrrolizidine alkaloids UHPLC-MS/MS Abstract: Pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PA s) and their N-oxides (PANO s) are natural toxins, exclusively ...

UHPLC-MS/MS methods for the quantification of pyrrolizidine alkaloids in a wide range of food matrices and exposure assessment for the Belgian population

Munich- Germany (2018) Keywords: Belgium exposure food Method validation Pyrrolizidine alkaloids UHPLC-MS/MS Abstract: Pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PA s) and their N-oxides (PANO s) are natural toxins, ...

How safe are your infusions? Analysis of pyrrolizidine alkaloids in plant based products using UHPLC-MS/MS & highlighting of their transfer rate during brewing.

(2017) Keywords: exposure food Method validation Pyrrolizidine alkaloids UHPLC-MS/MS Abstract: Pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PA s) and their N-oxides (PANO s) are natural toxins, exclusively biosynthesized by ...

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