Search results - 178 results

A transcriptional luxAB reporter fusion responding to fluorene in Sphingomonas sp. LB126 and its initial characterisation for whole-cell bioreporter purposes.

after 4 h. A linear response to fluorene concentrations within the water solubility range was achieved, with a detection limit of 200 microg per litre. Besides fluorene, L-132 weakly responded to the ...

A PCR test to identify bacillus subtilis and closely related species and its application to the monitoring of wastewater biotreatment.

(2001) Keywords: Bacillus subtilis DNA, Ribosomal polymerase chain reaction RNA, Ribosomal, 16S Sequence Analysis, DNA Waste Disposal, Fluid Water Microbiology Abstract: A PCR test based on the 16S rRNA ...

Prevalence of Salmonella, Campylobacter and VTEC on pig farms36696

S Salmonella Salmonella Infections,Animal Sample Samples SB- IM Species Specificity Spread status strain Swab Swine Swine Diseases veterinary virulence VTEC WATER young Abstract: Four different pig farms were ...

Epidemiological support for a multifactorial aetiology of Kashin-Beck disease in Tibet36703

status status study study population THYROID thyroid hormone Thyroid Hormones Tibet Urinary urine variables WATER water supply Abstract: We carried out a cross-sectional study in 12 rural villages in order ...

Enhanced specific antibody response to bovine serum albumin in pigeons due to L-carnitine supplementation.

1 g L-carnitine per litre of drinking water from-5 to 25 d post-immunisation (dpi) and the 3rd group, a control group, received neither treatment. 2. Body weights and serum samples were taken at 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, ...

An unusual outbreak of Streptococcus bovis septicaemia in racing pigeons (Columba livia).

isolated from the canalis triosseus or the shoulder joints of five of the nine pigeons. The pigeons were successfully treated with ampicillin administered in the drinking water for seven days. Health ...

Effect of disinfection of drinking water with ozone or chlorine dioxide on survival of Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts.

Issue 6, p.1519-22 (1989) Keywords: Animals Chlorine Chlorine Compounds Coccidia Cryptosporidiosis Cryptosporidium Disinfection Humans mice Oxides Ozone Sterilization Water Microbiology Abstract: ...

Propylene glycol-induced side effects during intravenous nitroglycerin therapy111

Universities university university hospital Water-Electrolyte Imbalance Abstract: Propylene glycol, an alcohol frequently used as a solvent in medical preparations, is considered non-toxic. We found that this ...

Efficacy of toltrazuril against intestinal and hepatic coccidiosis in rabbits.

stiedai was tested in experimentally-infected rabbits. Continuous administration of 10-15 p.p.m. of the drug in the drinking water was highly effective in reducing oocyst output of all five species and in ...

Impact of dilution on the pharmacokinetic behavior of acetaminophen in rabbits after oral administration

a concentrated small volume of an ethanol-glycerol-water mixture (preparation I). In another administration an identical dose was given in a 10-fold water-diluted volume of the same mixture (preparation II). Three ...

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