Search results - 39 results

ADVANCE database characterisation and fit for purpose assessment for multi-country studies on the coverage, benefits and risks of pertussis vaccinations.

pneumonia, death, fever, convulsions, injection site reactions, hypotonic hypo-responsive episode, persistent crying) and vaccines (acellular pertussis and whole cell pertussis) related to the pertussis proof ...

Low-dose hydroxychloroquine therapy and mortality in hospitalised patients with COVID-19: a nationwide observational study of 8075 participants

3533 were in the no- HCQ group. Death was reported in 804/4542 (17.7%) and 957/3533 (27.1%), respectively. In the multivariable analysis, mortality was lower in the HCQ group compared with the no- HCQ ...

Incidence rate, predictors and outcomes of interruption of HIV care: nationwide results from the Belgian HIV cohort

function with death as a competing risk, and viral load (VL) status upon return to HIV care using logistic regression. Results We included 16 066 patients accounting for 78 625 person-years of follow-up. The ...

Estimates of the 2015 global and regional disease burden from four foodborne metals- arsenic, cadmium, lead and methylmercury

and cadmium resulted in more than 1 million illnesses, over 56,000 deaths, and more than 9 million disability-adjusted life years (DALY s) worldwide. The greatest impact on DALY s was in the Western ...

Neonatal factors predictive for respiratory and gastro-intestinal morbidity after esophageal atresia repair

neonatal period were included in this retrospective study. A complicated clinical course was defined as the occurrence of ≥1 of these complications: severe gastro-esophageal reflux, esophageal stricture ...

Women’s excess unhealthy life years: disentangling the unhealthy life years gapAbstractBackgroundMethodsResultsConclusion

used mortality data for France 2008 from Eurostat, causes of death from the CépiDc- INSERM database; and disability and chronic conditions data from the French Disability Health Survey 2008–09. ULY ...

Contribution of chronic conditions to gender disparities in health expectancies in Belgium, 2001, 2004 and 2008

was applied to life tables to estimate DFLE and LED using the Sullivan method. Decomposition techniques were used to assess the contribution of mortality and disability and further of causes of death ...

Contribution of chronic conditions to smoking differences in life expectancy with and without disability in Belgium

participants of the 1997, 2001, 2004 Belgian Health Interview Surveys were used to estimate causes of disability using the attribution method. A 10-year mortality follow-up of survey participants was used. The ...

Falsification of biotechnology drugs: current dangers and/or future disasters?

Products Counterfeit Drugs Drug Contamination Humans Abstract: Falsified medical products have become a global threat since they were first mentioned to the general public at the conference of experts on the ...

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