Search results - 6 results
Activity-Based Detection and Bioanalytical Confirmation of a Fatal Carfentanil Intoxication.
department admissions and deaths. Here, we report on the application of a novel opioid activity reporter assay and a sensitive bioanalytical assay in the context of a fatal carfentanil intoxication, revealing ...
The use of the permanent sample (eps) to study the returnto- work after cancer. Challenges and opportunities for research
We observe during a five-year period the socio-professional status (inability, disability, unemployment or death) of 645 workers identified in the permanent sample (EPS), having had an oncological ...
Palliative care service use by older people: Time trends from a mortality follow-back study between 2005 and 2014.
was initiated. RESULTS: General practitioners identified 5344 deaths. Overall, palliative care service use increased from 39% in 2005 to 63% in 2014 (p < 0.001). The use of a reference person for palliative ...
End-of-life care for people dying with dementia in general practice in Belgium, Italy and Spain: A cross-sectional, retrospective study.
of care, place of death, treatment aims, use of specialized palliative care and communication with general practitioners (GP s). METHODS: Cross-sectional retrospective survey was carried out of ...
Management and 6-month outcome of patients with diabetic foot problems: results from a nationwide quality improvement initiative between 2005 and 2014
with a modified methodology, had increasing rates of participation and data completeness. In total, 5,510 episodes were sampled between 2005 and 2014 (5,407 DFU s and 183 acute Charcot feet). Median age ...
Negative determinants of diabetic foot ulcer healing: 6-month follow-up of a large multicentre cohort
death, whichever occurred first. Cumulative incidence functions were studied and Cox proportional hazards regression was used to identify determinants of healing by using a forward selection method, taking ...