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Filtres: Auteur is Mirjana Andjelkovic
Determinants of persistent organic pollutant (POP) concentrations in human breast milk of a cross-sectional sample of primiparous mothers in Belgium, Aerts, Raf, Van Overmeire Ilse, Colles Ann, Andjelkovic Mirjana, Malarvannan Govindan, Poma Giulia, Hond Elly Den, Van de Mieroop Els, Dewolf Marie-Christine, Charlet François, et al. , Environment International, Volume 131, (2019)
Determinants of persistent organic pollutant (POP) concentrations in human breast milk of a cross-sectional sample of primiparous mothers in Belgium, Aerts, Raf, Van Overmeire Ilse, Colles Ann, Andjelkovic Mirjana, Malarvannan Govindan, Poma Giulia, Hond Elly Den, Van De Mieroop Els, Dewolf Marie-Christine, Charlet François, et al. , Environment International, 01-oct-2019, Volume 131, (2019)
Determination of pyrrolizidine alkaloids levels in food for infants and young children, ice teas, seed spices, oregano subspecies and frozen leafy vegetables, Picron, Jean-François, and Andjelkovic Mirjana , 2019, (2019)
Evaluation de l’exposition humaine aux résidus de pesticides à l’aide de bracelets en silicone, Joly, Laure, Aerts Raf, Szternfeld Philippe, Tsilikas K, De Cremer Koen, Castelain Philippe, Aerts M, Van Orshoven J, Somers B, Ghendrickx M, et al. , 49e congrès du Groupe Français de recherche sur les Pesticides, 2019 nov 20, (2019)
Levels of Persistent organic pollutants in breast milk: Belgian results from the 6 th WHO-coordinated survey, Van Overmeire, Ilse, Joly Laure, Malarvannan G., Poma G., Covaci A., Malysheva Svetlana V., Dusart Alexandre, Van Loco Joris, and Andjelkovic Mirjana , 11th International Symposium on Biological Monitoring in Occupational and Environmental Health (ISBM-11), 2019 aug 1, (2019)
Toxic Cyanobacterial Blooms in Brussels: A Case Study, Van Hassel, Wannes, Huybrechts Bart, Andjelkovic Mirjana, and Wilmotte A. , 11th International Conference on Toxic Cyanobacteria, 2019 may 10, (2019)
Application of LC-MS/MS MRM to Determine Staphylococcal Enterotoxins (SEB and SEA) in Milk., Andjelkovic, Mirjana, Tsilia Varvara, Rajkovic Andreja, De Cremer Koen, and Van Loco Joris , Toxins (Basel), 2016 Apr 20, Volume 8, Issue 4, p.118, (2016)
Assessment of antibiotic residues in commercial and farm milk collected in the region of Guelma (Algeria), Layada, S., Benouareth D.E., Coucke Wim, and Andjelkovic Mirjana , International Journal of Food Contamination, 0/0/2016, Volume 3, Issue 1, p.19, (2016)
Brominated flame retardants in Belgian foodstuffs - recent evaluation by a novel UPLC-MS/MS method, Malysheva, Svetlana V., Goscinny Séverine, Malarvannan G., Poma G., Andjelkovic Mirjana, Voorspoels S., Covaci A., and Van Loco Joris , SETAC-2016, 22/5/2016, Issue Bustamente,P., Lebizec,B., Mouneyrac,C., Pilven,S., Poirier,L., Thibault-Pralin,P., Roussel,H., (2016)
Detection of pyrrolizidine alkaloids in milk and honey on the Belgian market using UHPLC-MS/MS., Picron, J.F., Goscinny Séverine, Andjelkovic Mirjana, and Van Hoeck Els , The World Plant Toxin Forum, the 2nd conference, 8/6/2016, Issue Bastiaanse Communication, De Nijs,M., Stroka,J., NA, (2016)
Development of UPLC-MS/MS methods for endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in placenta in an ongoing mother-birth cohort in Belgium, Van Overmeire, Ilse, Reyns Tim, Nawrot T., Vrijens K., Andjelkovic Mirjana, Van Loco Joris, and Van Nieuwenhuyse An , 2nd International Conference on Human Biomonitoring, 17/4/2016, Issue Federal Ministry for the Environment,Nature Conservation,Building and Nuclear Safety and the German Environment Agency, Germany, (2016)
LC-MS-based analytical method for quantification of selected brominated flame retardants in food commodities, Malysheva, Svetlana V., Malarvannan G., Goscinny Séverine, Poma G., Andjelkovic Mirjana, Jacobs G., Voorspoels S., Covaci A., and Van Loco Joris , Dioxin 2016, 0/0/2016, Issue Mocarelli,P., Brambilla,P., (2016)
Monitoring of the presence of brominated flame retardants in foodstuffs, Malysheva, Svetlana V., Poma G., Goscinny Séverine, Voorspoels S., Andjelkovic Mirjana, Jacobs G., Malarvannan G., Covaci A., and Van Loco Joris , 31/3/2016, p.Belgie, (2016)
Screening cyanobacteria to discover new antifungal compounds, Becker, Pierre, Wilmotte A., Szternfeld Philippe, Andjelkovic Mirjana, Anthonissen R., Verschaeve Luc, and Hendrickx Marijke , Departemental Retreat of the Mycology Department of the Pasteur Institute 2016, 29/6/2016, Issue Département de Mycologie de l'Institut Pasteur de Paris, Paris, (2016)
Zesde WHO-gecoördineerd onderzoek naar persistente organische polluenten (POP's) in moedermelk: Belgische resultaten 2014, Van Overmeire, Ilse, Colles A., Aerts Raf, Janssens B., Covaci A., Andjelkovic Mirjana, Joly Laure, Poma G., Malarvannan G., De Smedt T., et al. , WHO-gecoördineerd onderzoek naar persistente organische polluenten, 2016, Volume lot 1, Brussel/Mol, p.22, (2016)

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