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Filtres: Auteur is Mirjana Andjelkovic
Global overview of the risk linked to the Bacillus cereus group in the egg product industry: identification of food safety and food spoilage markers34048, Techer, C., Baron F., Delbrassinne Laurence, Belaid R., Brunet N., Gillard A., Gonnet F., Cochet M.F., Grosset N., Gautier M., et al. , J.Appl.Microbiol., 0/5/2014, Volume 116, Issue 5, Number 1358, p.1344 - 1358, (2014)
Influence of processing of shellfish on marine toxins in bivalves and crustaceans, Andjelkovic, Mirjana, Bekaert K, Robbens J., Wambacq M., and Van Loco Joris , 7e jaarlijks symposium Contractueel Onderzoek - DG Dier, Plant en Voeding EEN Wetenschappelijk oog op veilig voedsel, 0/0/2014, Issue Contractueel Onderzoek - DG Dier,Plant en Voedin, (2014)
Proteomic detection as an alternative for the quantification of Staphylococcus aureus enterotoxins, Andjelkovic, Mirjana, Tsilia V., Rajkovic A., Cosijns S., De Cremer Koen, and Van Loco Joris , ProteoMMX³ strictly quantitative, 0/0/2014, Issue University of Liverpool in association with the British Society for Proteome Research, NA, p.42, (2014)
Simultaneous determination of anti-tuberculosis drug levels in human plasma by ultra-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry for subsequent Therapeutic Drug Monitoring, Reyns, Tim, Mathys Vanessa, Groenen G., Andjelkovic Mirjana, and Van Loco Joris , Alternative Sampliong Strategies in Toxicology and Therapeutic Drug Monitoring - IATDMCT Satellite Meeting 2014, 18/9/2014, Issue IATDMCT, NA, (2014)
Staphylococcal EnteroToxin DeTECTion by SETTECT, Andjelkovic, Mirjana , 8th workshop of the NRLs for Coagulase Positive Staphylococci, 0/0/2014, Volume Report WS CPS 2014, Issue European Union Reference Laboratory for Coagulase Positive Staphylococci, Number 8, NA, p.8 - 8, (2014)
Bacillus cereus and its toxin cereulide, Andjelkovic, Mirjana, Delbrassinne Laurence, and Van Loco Joris , Medi-Sphere, 26/1/2012, Volume 386, Number 17, p.15 - 17, (2012)
Detection of Staphyloccocus aureus enterotoxin B using online SPE-UPLC-MSMS, Cosijns, S., Andjelkovic Mirjana, De Cremer Koen, Fraselle Stéphanie, Rajkovic A., and Van Loco Joris , Seventeenth conference on food microbiology 2012, 0/0/2012, Issue Belgian Society for Food Microbiology (BSFM), NA, (2012)
Determination of Bacillus cereus Emetic Toxin in Food Products by Means of LC-MS², Delbrassinne, Laurence, Andjelkovic Mirjana, Rajkovic A., Dubois P., Nguessan E., Mahillon J., and Van Loco Joris , Food Anal.Meth., 0/10/2012, Volume 5, Issue 5, Number 979, p.969 - 979, (2012)
Exposure to domoic acid through shellfish consumption in Belgium., Andjelkovic, Mirjana, Vandevijvere Stefanie, Van Klaveren J, Van Oyen Herman, and Van Loco Joris , Environ Int, 2012 Nov 15, Volume 49, p.115-9, (2012)
Factors Influencing Benzene Formation from the Decarboxylation of Benzoate in Liquid Model Systems, R. Vinci, Medeiros, De Meulenaer B., Andjelkovic Mirjana, Canfyn Michael, Van Overmeire Ilse, and Van Loco Joris , J.Agric.Food Chem., 14/8/2012, Volume 59, Issue 24, Number 12981, p.12975 - 12981, (2012)
Follow-up of the Bacillus cereus emetic toxin production in penne pasta under household conditions using using liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry, Delbrassinne, Laurence, Andjelkovic Mirjana, Rajkovic A., Botteldoorn N, Mahillon J., and Van Loco Joris , 0/0/2012, Brussels, Belgium, (2012)
Identification and quantification of Staphyloccocus aureus using online SPE-UPLC-MSMS, Cosijns, S., Andjelkovic Mirjana, De Cremer Koen, Van Loco Joris, and Rajkovic A. , 23rd International ICFMH symposium FoodMicro 2012, 0/0/2012, Issue Heperkan,D, Karbancioglu-Guler,F., Daskaya-Dikmen,C., (2012)
Method development for the analysis of cereulide, the emetic toxin produced by Bacillus cereus, in food, Delbrassinne, Laurence, Andjelkovic Mirjana, Nguessan E., Botteldoorn N, Mahillon J., and Van Loco Joris , 0/0/2012, Brussels, Belgium, (2012)
Nieuw opkomende mariene toxinen - rapport van het seminarie 2012, Andjelkovic, Mirjana , LabInfo, 8/7/2012, Volume 2012, Issue 8, Number 33, p.30 - 33, (2012)
Prevalence and levels of Bacillus cereus emetic toxin in rice dishes randomly collected from restaurants and comparison with the levels measured in a recent foodborne outbreak., Delbrassinne, Laurence, Andjelkovic Mirjana, Dierick Katelijne, Denayer Sarah, Mahillon Jacques, and Van Loco Joris , Foodborne Pathog Dis, 2012 Sep, Volume 9, Issue 9, p.809-14, (2012)
Usefulness of liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry analysis in food microbiology: development of a LC-MS² method for cereulide, Delbrassinne, Laurence, Andjelkovic Mirjana, Dierick Katelijne, Rajkovic A., Hoosten H., Mahillon J., and Van Loco Joris , Sfam Summer conference 2011, 0/0/2012, Issue Society for Applied Microbiology (SFAM), NA, (2012)
Validation of a multi-residue analysis method for macrolides in muscle and kidney, Laza, D., Derop V., Reyns Tim, Fraselle Stéphanie, Andjelkovic Mirjana, and Van Loco Joris , EU-RL Workshop 2011, 0/0/2012, Issue EU-RL ANSES Fougères, NA, (2012)
Validation of a multi-residue LC-MS/MS method for the determnation of b- blockers and tranquilisers in swine kidney, Laza, D., Derop V., Reyns Tim, Halbardier J.F., Fraselle Stéphanie, Andjelkovic Mirjana, and Van Loco Joris , EuroResidue VII, 0/0/2012, Issue EuroResidue, NA, (2012)

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