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Filtres: Auteur is Philippe Szternfeld
Analysis of glyphosate residue in liver by UPLC-MS/MS, Szternfeld, Philippe, Deridder M., Marchi J., and Hanot V. , Extech 2014, 25/5/2014, Issue Diamantopoulos,E., Kalogerakis,N., Nikolaidis,N., (2014)
Glyphosate determination in cereals and liver after derivatization, Joly, Laure, Szternfeld Philippe, Goscinny Séverine, Hanot V., Unterluggauer H., Aldrian J., and Masselter S. , EURL AO/SRM Pesticides Joint Workshop, 14/10/2014, Issue EURL-AO, EURL-SRM, NA, (2014)
Screening for residus of pesticides, Joly, Laure, Szternfeld Philippe, and Hanot V. , LABINFO FAVV, 30/7/2014, Volume 12, Number 22, p.20 - 22, (2014)
Analysis of chlormequat residue in milk by UPLC-MS/MS, Szternfeld, Philippe, Brohon C., Van Loco Joris, and Hanot V. , Rafa 2013:Recent Advances in Food Analysis, 0/0/2013, Issue Tomaniova,M., Hajslova,J., Pulkrabova,J., Suchanova,M., (2013)
PFAS analysis in fish by UPLC-MS/MS, Joly, Laure , Workshop NRL-OfLs PCBs and Dioxines, 9/12/2013, NA, (2013)
Pyrethroids analysis by UPLC-MS/MS, Joly, Laure, and Vanhouche M. , Workshop NRL-OfLs Pesticides, 29/11/2013, NA, (2013)

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