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Filters: Auteur is Philippe Szternfeld
Modelling the pesticide transfer during tea and herbal tea infusions by the identification of critical infusion parameters.,
, Food Chem, 2023 Dec 15, Volume 429, (2023)
Pesticides, trace elements and pharmaceuticals in tea samples available in Belgian retail shops and the risk associated upon acute and chronic exposure,
, Food Additives & Contaminants: Part B, dec 2022, (2022)
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in spices and dried herbs and associated risk for the Belgian population,
, Food Additives & Contaminants: Part B, Feb-10-2022, Volume 15, Issue 4, (2022)
Acrylamide in other foods,
, EURL-PC workshop 2021, 29/09/2021, videoconference - Copenhague, (2021)
Etude des facteurs d’infusion pour les résidus de pesticides présents dans le thé et les infusions,
, Comité Scientifique de l'AFSCA - juin 2021, 6/25/2021, (2021)
Modélisation du transfert des pesticides des feuilles de thés vers les eaux d’infusion,
, Groupes français de recherches sur les pesticides, 2021, (2021)
Pesticides transfer from tea leaves to tea brew: identification of critical infusion parameters and database creation ,
, EURLs pesticides - joint workshop 2021, 22/09/2021, Videoconference - Almeria, (2021)
Acrylamide in other foods_Determination of acrylamide levels in some food categories and estimation of the exposure for the Belgian population,
, 25 august 2020, Elsene, Belgium, p.99, (2020)
Acrylamidegehaltes onder de loep onderzoek naar ongewenste stof in levensmiddelen,
, VMT FOOD, nov 2020, Volume 11, Number 24, (2020)
Evaluation de l’exposition humaine aux résidus de pesticides à l’aide de bracelets en silicone,
, 49e congrès du Groupe Français de recherche sur les Pesticides, 2019 nov 20, (2019)
Exposure to contaminants after tea consumption,
, 4th IMEKOFOODS conference , 2019, Tervuren, Belgium, (2019)
Exposure to contaminants after tea consumption,
, 4th IMEKOFOODS conference, 2019, (2019)
Exposure to pesticides and metals following tea consumption in Belgium,
, IMEKOFOODS4, 16-18/09/2019, Tervuren, Belgium, (2019)
Investigation of the Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons contamination in spices and dried herbs available on the Belgian market,
, 4th IMEKO FOODS - Metrology supporting emerging food topics, Belgium, (2019)
Modular Method for the Determination of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Spices and Dried Herbs by Gas Chromatography–Tandem Mass Spectrometry,
, Food Analytical Methods, 2019 july 16, Volume 12, Issue 10, (2019)
How to deal with spices & dried herbs diversity during PAH analysis,
, EURL-PC workshop 2018, Issue DTU, Denmark, (2018)
Management of acrylamide analysis in foodstuffs,
, EURL-PC workshop, Denmark, (2018)
Silicone Wristband Passive Samplers Yield Highly Individualized Pesticide Residue Exposure Profiles.,
, Environ Sci Technol, 2018 Jan 02, Volume 52, Issue 1, (2018)
Analysis of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon in spices and dried herbs by GC-MSMS,
, Euroanalysis, (2017)
Method Validation – pesticides in food products,
, Workshop EURL-pesticides AO training 2017, (2017)
Diquat and Paraquat analysis by UPLC-MSMS,
, Workshop of the national laboratory of reference, 8/12/2016, NA, (2016)
La spectrométrie de mobilité ionique (IMS): un soutien aux analyses de pesticides par screening,
, LABINFO FAVV, 1/08/2016, Volume 15, Number 18, Brussels, Belgium, p.3, (2016)
PAHs determination in smoked pepper by GC-MS/MS,
, 11th EURL-PAHs Workshop, 5/10/2016, Issue Wenzl,T., von Holst,C., Geel, (2016)
A Robust Transferable Method for the Determination of Glyphosate Residue in Liver After Derivatization by Ultra-high Pressure Liquid Chromatography–Tandem Mass Spectrometry,
, Food Analytical Methods, Jan-05-2016, Volume 96013131292127251218833L 235L 961191218, Issue 5, (2016)
Screening cyanobacteria to discover new antifungal compounds,
, Departemental Retreat of the Mycology Department of the Pasteur Institute 2016, 29/6/2016, Issue Département de Mycologie de l'Institut Pasteur de Paris, Paris, (2016)