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Filters: Auteur is Brecht Devleesschauwer
Mortality attributable to exposure to environmental stress originating from motorised road traffic, Vandeninden, Bram, Faes C, Bouland C, Devleesschauwer Brecht, and De Clercq Eva M. , MOHEAP 2021, Mobility, Health and Place Conference, june 2021, (2021)
Recommendations to plan a national burden of disease study, Haneef, Romana, Schmidt Jürgen, Gallay Anne, Devleesschauwer Brecht, Grant Ian, Rommel Alexander, Wyper Grant M. A., Van Oyen Herman, Hilderink Henk, Ziese Thomas, et al. , Archives of Public Health, Jan-12-2021, Volume 79, Issue 1, (2021)
Risk factors and their contribution to population health in the European Union (EU-28) countries in 2007 and 2017, Santos, João Vasco, Gorasso Vanessa, Souza Júlio, Wyper Grant M. A., Grant Ian, Pinheiro Vera, Viana João, Ricciardi Walter, Haagsma Juanita A., Devleesschauwer Brecht, et al. , European Journal of Public Health, Jan-09-2021, Volume 31, Issue 5, (2021)
Roll-out of the Global Burden of Animal Diseases programme, Rushton, Jonathan, Huntington Ben, Gilbert William, Herrero Mario, Torgerson Paul R., Shaw Alex P. M., Mieghan Bruce, Marsh Tom L., Pendell Dustin L., Bernardo Theresa, et al. , The Lancet, Jan-03-2021, Volume 397, Issue 10279, (2021)
Unravelling data for rapid evidence-based response to COVID-19: a summary of the unCoVer protocol, Peñalvo, José L., Mertens Elly, Ademović Enisa, Akgun Seval, Baltazar Ana Lúcia, Buonfrate Dora, Čoklo Miran, Devleesschauwer Brecht, Diaz Valencia Paula Andrea, Fernandes João C., et al. , BMJ Open, Jun-11-2022, Volume 11, Issue 11, (2021)
Unravelling data for rapid evidence-based response to COVID-19: a summary of the unCoVer protocol., Peñalvo, José L., Mertens Elly, Ademović Enisa, Akgun Seval, Baltazar Ana Lúcia, Buonfrate Dora, Čoklo Miran, Devleesschauwer Brecht, Diaz Valencia Paula Andrea, Fernandes João C., et al. , BMJ Open, 2021 Nov 18, Volume 11, Issue 11, (2021)
Use of health care services by people with substance use disorders in Belgium: a register-based cohort study, Van Baelen, L, Plettinckx E, Antoine Jérôme, De Ridder Karin, Devleesschauwer Brecht, and Gremeaux L. , Archives of Public Health, 2021/06/23, Volume 79, Issue 1, (2021)
Validity of self-reported data to assess the prevalence of overweight, hypertension and cholesterol, Pelgrims, Ingrid, Devleesschauwer Brecht, Doggen Kris, Vandevijvere Stefanie, De Clercq Eva M., Vansteelandt S, and Van der Heyden Johan , European Journal of Public Health, Aug-10-2022, Volume 31, Issue Supplement_3, (2021)
Adjusting for comorbidity in incidence-based DALY calculations: an individual-based modeling approach, McDonald, Scott A., Haagsma Juanita A., Cassini Alessandro, and Devleesschauwer Brecht , BMC Medical Research Methodology, Jan-12-2020, Volume 20, (2020)
BELCOHORT. Opportunities for a population-based cohort in Belgium, Schutte, Nienke, Van der Heyden Johan, Devleesschauwer Brecht, De Ridder Karin, and Van Oyen Herman , 2020, (2020)
Belgian national burden of disease study. Guidelines for the calculation of DALYs in Belgium, Cornez, Astrid, and Devleesschauwer Brecht , jan 2020, Brussels, Belgium, p.94, (2020)
The burden of legionnaires' disease in Belgium, 2013 to 2017., Fastl, Christina, Devleesschauwer Brecht, Van Cauteren Dieter, Lajot Adrien, Leroy Mathias, Laisnez Valeska, Schirvel Carole, Mahieu Romain, Piérard D, Michel Charlotte, et al. , Arch Public Health, 2020, Volume 78, (2020)
The burden of legionnaires’ disease in Belgium, 2013 to 2017, Fastl, Christina, Devleesschauwer Brecht, Van Cauteren Dieter, Lajot Adrien, Leroy Mathias, Laisnez Valeska, Schirvel Carole, Mahieu Romain, Piérard Denis, Michel Charlotte, et al. , Archives of Public Health, Jan-12-2020, Volume 78, Issue 1, (2020)
Contribution relative de la surcharge pondérale comme facteur de risque des maladies non-transmissibles dans un contexte multi-expositionnel : le projet WaIST, Pelgrims, Ingrid, Gorasso Vanessa, Desmedt Delphine, Doggen Kris, Van der Heyden Johan, Vandevijvere Stefanie, Vansteelandt Stijn, Devleesschauwer Brecht, and De Clercq Eva M. , Multi-exposition conditions de vie et santé, Lille, France, (2020)
European burden of disease network: strengthening the collaboration, Devleesschauwer, Brecht , European Journal of Public Health, Dec-01-2021, Volume 30, Issue 1, (2020)
Health-related quality of life in patients with non-communicable disease: study protocol of a cross-sectional survey, Van Wilder, Lisa, Clays Els, Devleesschauwer Brecht, Pype Peter, Boeckxstaens Pauline, Schrans Diëgo, and De Smedt Delphine , BMJ Open, Oct-09-2020, Volume 10, Issue 9, (2020)
Measuring disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) due to low back pain in Malta, Cuschieri, Sarah, Wyper Grant M. A., Calleja Neville, Gorasso Vanessa, and Devleesschauwer Brecht , Archives of Public Health, Jan-12-2020, Volume 78, Issue 1, (2020)
Modelling for Taenia solium control strategies beyond 2020, Dixon, Matthew A., Braae Uffe C., Winskill Peter, Devleesschauwer Brecht, Trevisan Chiara, Van Damme Inge, Walker Martin, Hamley Jonathan I. D., Ramiandrasoa Sylvia N., Schmidt Veronika, et al. , Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 03/2020, Volume 98, Issue 3, Number 205, (2020)
Morbidity Statistics: 2019 Pilot Data Collection Belgium, Final Report, Schutte, Nienke, Raes Laurens, and Devleesschauwer Brecht , 23/12/2020, Brussels, Belgium, p.52, (2020)
Perceived utility and feasibility of pathogen genomics for public health practice: a survey among public health professionals working in the field of infectious diseases, Belgium, 2019, Van Goethem, Nina, Struelens Marc J., De Keersmaecker Sigrid C. J., Roosens Nancy, Robert Annie, Quoilin Sophie, Van Oyen Herman, and Devleesschauwer Brecht , BMC Public Health, Jan-12-2020, Volume 20, Issue 1, (2020)
Perceived utility and feasibility of pathogen genomics for public health practice: a survey among public health professionals working in the field of infectious diseases, Belgium, 2019, Van Goethem, Nina, Struelens M. J., De Keersmaecker Sigrid C. J., Roosens Nancy, Robert A., Quoilin Sophie, Van Oyen Herman, and Devleesschauwer Brecht , BMC Public Health, Jan-12-2020, Volume 20, Issue 1, (2020)
Population vulnerability to COVID-19 in Europe: a burden of disease analysis, Wyper, Grant M. A., Assunção Ricardo, Cuschieri Sarah, Devleesschauwer Brecht, Fletcher Eilidh, Haagsma Juanita A., Hilderink Henk B. M., Idavain Jane, Lesnik Tina, Von der Lippe Elena, et al. , Archives of Public Health, Jan-12-2020, Volume 78, Issue 1, (2020)
Potential impact of reduced tobacco use on life and health expectancies in Belgium, Otavova, Martina, Van Oyen Herman, Yokota Renata T. C., Charafeddine Rana, Joossens Luk, Molenberghs Geert, Nusselder Wilma J., Boshuizen Hendriek C., and Devleesschauwer Brecht , International Journal of Public Health, Jan-03-2020, Volume 65, Issue 2, Number 138, (2020)
Reflections on key methodological decisions in national burden of disease assessments, Von der Lippe, Elena, Devleesschauwer Brecht, Gourley Michelle, Haagsma Juanita, Hilderink Henk, Porst Michael, Wengler Annelene, Wyper Grant, and Grant Ian , Archives of Public Health, Jan-12-2020, Volume 78, Issue 1, (2020)
Spatial and molecular mapping of Pfkelch13 gene polymorphism in Africa in the era of emerging Plasmodium falciparum resistance to artemisinin: a systematic review., Kayiba, Nadine K., Yobi Doudou M., Tshibangu-Kabamba Evariste, Tuan Vo P., Yamaoka Yoshio, Devleesschauwer Brecht, Mvumbi Dieudonné Makaba, Okitolonda Wemakoy Emile, De Mol Patrick, Mvumbi Georges L., et al. , Lancet Infect Dis, 2020 Oct 27, (2020)

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