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Filters: Auteur is Nancy Roosens
The added value of whole genome sequencing for the development of a specific detection method for an EU-unauthorized genetically modified Bacillus subtilis overproducing riboflavin,
, Technical Meeting on the impact of Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) on food safety management: within a one health framework, 0/0/2016, Issue FAO/GMI, NA, (2016)
Advances in the identification of genetically modified foods,
, Advances in the Identification of Genetically Modified Foods, 30/08/2016, Issue 20, Number 563, London, UK, p.794, (2016)
Annual report of the GMOLAB concerning the validation dossiers for identification of genetically modified organisms (GMO),
, 29/8/2016, Number 23, Brussels, Belgium, p.23, (2016)
Biotech Rice: Current developments and future detection challenges in food and feed chain,
, Trends in Food Science & Technology, 13/04/2016, Volume 52, Number 79, (2016)
Data analysis associated with the use of whole genome sequencing for subtyping of pathogenic microorganisms, Salmonella Typhimurium as a case study,
, Applied Bioinformatics in Life Sciences, 17/3/2016, Issue VIB, NA, (2016)
Development and implementation of a transversal NGS & bioinformatics platform at the Belgian Institute of Public Health,
, Applied Bioinformatics in Life Sciences, 17/3/2016, Issue VIB, NA, (2016)
Development and implementation of a transversal NGS & bioinformatics platform at the Belgian Institute of Public Health: deployment of user-friendly pipelines for routine use,
, 15th European Conference on Computational Biology, 0/0/2016, Issue VU Amsterdam, TU Delft, DTL, BioSB, UMC Utrecht, NA, (2016)
Development and use of non-invasive biomarkers to monitor respiratory health of young children,
, Institute Pasteur International Network Scientific Symposium, 1/7/2016, Issue Institut Pasteur, Paris, France, (2016)
Development of a molecular alternative to classical microbiological subtyping methods, Salmonella phage typing as a case study,
, 30/6/2016, Number 100, Brussels, Belgium, p.96 - 100, (2016)
Goal 4: Develop and implement new technologies and methods to improve WIV-ISP's responsiveness to public health threats,
, 30/6/2016, Number 19, Brussels, Belgium, p.114, (2016)
High-tech technologies for the detection of unauthorised Genetically Modified Organisms in food and feed for safety control of the food chain,
, Scientific report 2014-2015, 2016, Brussels, Belgium, (2016)
Molecular and clinical investigation of Zika virus outbreak in New Caledonia,
, International Congress of Tropical Medicine and Malaria, 0/0/2016, Issue ASP, ASID, IFTM, NA, (2016)
A molecular approach for the rapid, selective and sensitive detection of Exophiala jeanselmei in environmental samples: development and performance assessment of a real-time PCR assay,
, Appl Microbiol Biotechnol, 2016 Feb, Volume 100, Issue 3, Number 1392, p.1377-92, (2016)
Molecular subtyping of Salmonella Typhimurium with multiplex oligonucleotide ligation-PCR (MOL-PCR),
, Diagnostic Bacteriology Protocols, 0/0/2016, Number -, Totowa, New Jersey, p.-, (2016)
Optimized MOL-PCR for Characterization of Microbial Pathogens,
, Curr Protoc Cytom, 2016 Jan 06, Volume 75, Number 13.15.15, p.13.15.1-13.15.15, (2016)
Statistical framework for detection of Genetically Modified Organisms based on Next Generation Sequencing,
, Food Chemistry, 21/07/2015, Volume 192, Issue 1, Number 798, (2016)
Whole genome sequencing to help enforcement laboratories for the development of detection method for an EU-unauthorized genetically modified Bacillus subtilis overproducing riboflavin,
, LabInfo, 16/7/2016, Volume 15, Issue Jul-16, Number 31, p.29 - 31, (2016)
Arbo-VIRTUESS: Evaluation of the use of non-invasive tests for early screening and survey of arboviruses,
, International Scientific Symposium, 14/10/2015, Issue Institut Pasteur International Network, NA, (2015)
Current and new approaches in GMO detection: challenges and solutions,
, BioMed Research International, 07/09/2015, Volume 2015, Issue 392872, (2015)
Development and performance assessment of a qualitative SYBR® green real-time PCR assay for the detection of Aspergillus versicolor in indoor air.,
, Appl Microbiol Biotechnol, 2015 Sep, Volume 99, Issue 17, p.7267-82, (2015)
Erratum to: Development and performance assessment of a qualitative SYBR® green real-time PCR assay for the detection of Aspergillus versicolor in indoor air.,
, Appl Microbiol Biotechnol, 2015 Oct, Volume 99, Issue 19, p.8319-20, (2015)
Evaluation of a DNA extraction kit for the use of saliva as a non-invasive source of human DNA biomarkers in support of public health genomics.,
, 0/0/2015, Number 17, Brussels, Belgium, p.17, (2015)
Evaluation of whole genome sequencing for routine subtyping of Salmonella Typhimurium for surveillance and outbreak investigation,
, Revolutionizing Next-Generation Sequencing: Tools and Technologies, 15/1/2015, Issue VIB, NA, (2015)
Fast and discriminative CoSYPS detection system of viable Salmonella spp. and Listeria spp. in carcass swab samples.,
, Int J Food Microbiol, 2015 Jan 02, Volume 192, p.103-10, (2015)
Genome Sequence of EU-Unauthorized Genetically Modified Bacillus subtilis Strain 2014-3557 Overproducing Riboflavin, Isolated from a Vitamin B2 80% Feed Additive.,
, Genome Announc, 2015 Apr 09, Volume 3, Issue 2, (2015)