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Filters: Auteur is Laurence Delbrassinne
Construction of Nontoxigenic Mutants of Nonproteolytic Clostridium botulinum NCTC 11219 by Insertional Mutagenesis and Gene Replacement., Clauwers, Charlien, Vanoirbeek Kristof, Delbrassinne Laurence, and Michiels Chris W. , Appl Environ Microbiol, 2016 May 15, Volume 82, Issue 10, p.3100-3108, (2016)
Consumptie-gerelateerde infectieziekten, 2014, België. Epidemiologische trends., Braeye, Toon, Bertrand Sophie, Mattheus Wesley, Martiny Delphine, Piérard Denis, De Rauw Klara, Verhaegen Jan, Delmée Michel, Delbrassinne Laurence, Denayer Sarah, et al. , feb 2016, Brussel, België, p.162, (2016)
Intoxications alimentaires en Belgique en 2015, Denayer, Sarah, Delbrassinne Laurence, Botteldoorn N, and Dierick Katelijne , 12/9/2016, Bruxelles, p.., (2016)
Rapport thématique. Maladies infectieuses liées à la consommation, 2014, Belgique. Tendances épidémiologiques., Braeye, Toon, Bertrand Sophie, Mattheus Wesley, Martiny Delphine, Piérard Denis, De Rauw Klara, Verhaegen Jan, Delmée Michel, Delbrassinne Laurence, Denayer Sarah, et al. , sep 2016, Bruxelles, Belgique, p.164, (2016)
Voedselvergiftigingen in België 2016, Denayer, Sarah, Delbrassinne Laurence, Verhaegen Bavo, and Botteldoorn N , 07/2017, Brussels, Belgium, p.37, (2016)
Voedselvergiftigingen in België in 2015, Denayer, Sarah, Delbrassinne Laurence, and Dierick Katelijne , 12/9/2016, Bruxelles, p.., (2016)
Is Cytotoxin K from Bacillus cereus a bona fide enterotoxin?36985, Castiaux, V., Liu X., Delbrassinne Laurence, and Mahillon J. , Int.J.Food Microbiol., 15/10/2015, Volume 211, Number 85, p.79 - 85, (2015)
An emetic Bacillus cereus outbreak in a kindergarten: detection and quantification of critical levels of cereulide toxin., Delbrassinne, Laurence, Botteldoorn N, Andjelkovic Mirjana, Dierick Katelijne, and Denayer Sarah , Foodborne Pathog Dis, 2015 Jan, Volume 12, Issue 1, p.84-7, (2015)
Generation and Characterization of Six Recombinant Botulinum Neurotoxins as Reference Material to Serve in an International Proficiency Test., Weisemann, Jasmin, Krez Nadja, Fiebig Uwe, Worbs Sylvia, Skiba Martin, Endermann Tanja, Dorner Martin B., Bergström Tomas, Muñoz Amalia, Zegers Ingrid, et al. , Toxins (Basel), 2015 Nov 26, Volume 7, Issue 12, p.5035-54, (2015)
Intoxication alimentaire en Belgique en 2014, Denayer, Sarah, Delbrassinne Laurence, and Dierick Katelijne , 4/9/2015, Brussel, p.33, (2015)
The mouse toxicity bioassay as a laboratory confirmation test for tetanus36902, Delbrassinne, Laurence, and Vanderpas Jean , Acta Clin.Belg., 0/2/2015, Volume 70, Issue 1, Number 78, p.77 - 78, (2015)
Voedselvergiftigingen in België in 2014, Denayer, Sarah, Delbrassinne Laurence, and Dierick Katelijne , 4/9/2015, Brussel, p.33, (2015)

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