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Filters: Auteur is L Van Baelen
COVID-19 and people who use drugs: Impact of the pandemic on general anxiety and depressive disorders among adults in Belgium., Van Baelen, L, Gremeaux L., Antoine Jérôme, Bruggeman Helena, Gisle Lydia, Plettinckx E, and De Ridder Karin , J Affect Disord, 01/12/2021, Volume 295, (2021)
Hepatitis C virus prevalence in Belgium, Van Baelen, L, and Van der Heyden Johan , Experimental Results, 2021, Volume 2, (2021)
Hepatitis C virus prevalence in Belgium, Van Baelen, L, and Van der Heyden Johan , Experimental Results, 2021, Volume 2, (2021)
La santé mentale des personnes consommant des drogues pendant la pandémie de COVID-19 en Belgique, Bruggeman, Helena, Gremeaux L., Antoine Jérôme, Plettinckx E, and Van Baelen L , Brussels, (2021)
Mentale gezondheid van personen die drugs gebruiken tijdens de COVID-19 pandemie in België, Bruggeman, Helena, Gremeaux L., Antoine Jérôme, Plettinckx E, and Van Baelen L , Brussel, (2021)
A multicentre interventional study to assess blood-borne viral infections in Belgian prisons, Busschots, Dana, Kremer Cécile, Bielen Rob, Koc Özgür M., Heyens Leen, Brixko Christian, Laukens Pierre, Orlent Hans, Bilaey Pascal, De Smet Francis, et al. , BMC Infectious Diseases, Jan-12-2021, Volume 21, Issue 1, (2021)
Prevalence Estimation Of HCV Among People Who Inject Drugs In Belgium Through Respondent Driven Sampling, Capture-Recapture And Multiplier Method, Plettinckx, E, and Van Baelen L , International Network on Health and Hepatitis in Substance Users (INHSU), 13/10/2021, Virtually, (2021)
RAPPORT THÉMATIQUE : L’USAGE ET L’OFFRE DE DROGUES DURANT LA PANDÉMIE DE COVID-19 EN BELGIQUE, Antoine, Jérôme, Bruggeman Helena, Gremeaux L., Plettinckx E, and Van Baelen L , (2021)
Reitox national reporting to EMCDDA on drugs and drug addiction, 2020, Van Baelen, L, Antoine Jérôme, Gremeaux L., Blanckaert Peter, and Plettinckx E , 10/2020, p.+100, (2021)
THEMATISCH RAPPORT : HET GEBRUIK EN HET AANBOD VAN DRUGS TIJDENS DE COVID-19 PANDEMIE IN BELGIË, Antoine, Jérôme, Bruggeman Helena, Gremeaux L., Plettinckx E, and Van Baelen L , 03/2021, Brussels, (2021)
Univariable associations between a history of incarceration and HIV and HCV prevalence among people who inject drugs across 17 countries in Europe 2006 to 2020 – is the precautionary principle applicable?, Wiessing, Lucas, Kalamara Eleni, Stone Jack, Peyman Altan, Van Baelen L, Fotiou Anastasios, Garcia D’Jamila, Goulao Joao, Guarita Bruno, Hope Vivian, et al. , Eurosurveillance, Sep-12-2021, Volume 26, Issue 49, (2021)
Use of health care services by people with substance use disorders in Belgium: a register-based cohort study, Van Baelen, L, Plettinckx E, Antoine Jérôme, De Ridder Karin, Devleesschauwer Brecht, and Gremeaux L. , Archives of Public Health, 2021/06/23, Volume 79, Issue 1, (2021)
COVID-19 Online drugsonderzoek: Voorlopige resultaten over het gebruik en aanbod van illegale middelen tijdens de coronacrisis, Plettinckx, E, Antoine Jérôme, Gremeaux L., and Van Baelen L , 05/2020, Brussels, p.20, (2020)
De TDI-registratie in België, Jaarlijks rapport, Registratiejaar 2019., Antoine, Jérôme, Plettinckx E, Van Baelen L, and Gremeaux L. , 12/2020, Brussels, Belgium, p.56, (2020)
Enquête en ligne sur l’usage et l’offre de substances illégales pendant la crise du coronavirus: premiers résultats, Antoine, Jérôme, Gremeaux L., Plettinckx E, and Van Baelen L , (2020)
Estimates of people who injected drugs within the last 12 months in Belgium based on a capture-recapture and multiplier method, Plettinckx, E, Crawford Forrest W., Antoine Jérôme, Gremeaux L., and Van Baelen L , Drug and Alcohol Dependence, (2020)
General practice patients starting treatment for substance use problems: observations from two data sources across levels of care, Boffin, Nicole, Antoine Jérôme, Van Baelen L, Moreels S, and Doggen Kris , BMC Public Health, Jan-12-2020, Volume 20, Issue 1, (2020)
Het gebruik en het aanbod van drugs tijdens de COVID-19 pandemie en de percepties gelinkt aan de COVID-19 omstandigheden, Plettinckx, E, Antoine Jérôme, Gremeaux L., and Van Baelen L , 2020, Brussels, p.34, (2020)
La consommation et l'offre de drogue en période de pandémie du COVID-19 et les perceptions liées aux circonstances du COVID-19, Plettinckx, E, Antoine Jérôme, Gremeaux L., and Van Baelen L , (2020)

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