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Filters: Auteur is Myriam Sneyers
Mass spectrometry-based proteomics for the quality control of intravenous immunoglobulin: Detection of possible thrombogenic impurities, Limonier, Franck, Van Steendam K., Waeterloos Geneviève, Sneyers Myriam, and Deforce D. , 13th Human ProteomeOrgonization world congres: The proteome quest to understand biology and disease, 5/10/2014, Issue Human proteome organization, (2014)
Development of a molecular detection platform for GMO detection in food based on "combinatory qPCR" technology, Roosens, Nancy, Barbau-Piednoir E., Lievens A., Mbongolo-Mbella G.E., Van Geel D., Vandermassen Els, Leunda Amaya, Broeders Sylvia, Sneyers Myriam, and Van den Bulcke Marc , 0/0/2010, Number 130, Brussels, Belgium, p.4, (2010)
NRL-GMO: GMODetec research project (2007-2010)408, Barbau-Piednoir, E., Lievens A., Leunda Amaya, Roosens Nancy, Van den Bulcke Marc, Sneyers Myriam, Debode Frédéric, Jansens E., Berben G., Ruttink T., et al. , LabInfo, 0/12/2010, Volume 5, Issue December 2010, Number 19, p.14 - 19, (2010)
Rapport annuel du GMOLAB concernant les dossiers de validation pour la quantification des organismes génétiquement modifiés - 01/09/09 au 31/08/10 (2009-2010), Mbongolo-Mbella, G.E., Broeders Sylvia, Vandermassen Els, Van Geel D., Roosens Nancy, Barbau-Piednoir E., Sneyers Myriam, Sciacqua M., and Vanherle Anne-Marie , 0/0/2010, Brussels, Belgium, p.41, (2010)
Rapport annuel du GMOLAB concernant les dossiers de validation pour l'identification des organismes génétiquement modifiés - 01/09/09 au 31/08/10 (2009-2010), Mbongolo-Mbella, G.E., Broeders Sylvia, Vandermassen Els, Van Geel D., Roosens Nancy, Barbau-Piednoir E., Sneyers Myriam, Sciacqua M., and Vanherle Anne-Marie , 0/0/2010, Brussels, Belgium, p.15, (2010)
SYBR®Green qPCR screening methods for the presence of "35S promoter" and "NOS terminator" elements in food and feed products400, Barbau-Piednoir, E., Lievens A., Mbongolo-Mbella G.E., Roosens Nancy, Sneyers Myriam, Leunda Amaya, and Van den Bulcke Marc , Eur.Food.Res.Technol., 0/0/2010, Volume 230, Issue 3, Number 393, p.383 - 393, (2010)
A theoretical introduction to "combinatory SYBRGreen qPCR screening", a matrix-based approach for the detection of materials derived from genetically modified plants., Van den Bulcke, Marc, Lievens Antoon, Barbau-Piednoir Elodie, Mbongolo Mbella Guillaume, Roosens Nancy, Sneyers Myriam, and Leunda Amaya , Anal Bioanal Chem, 2010 Mar, Volume 396, Issue 6, p.2113-23, (2010)
Biosafety in Biotechnology, Collard, J-M, Breyer Didier, Renckens S., Sneyers Myriam, Van Haver E., Van Vaerenbergh Bernadette, and Moens William , Biotechnology - Vol I: Biosafety in Biotechnoogy, 0/0/2009, Number 22, Oxford, UK, p.-, (2009)
Co-Extra: Europees project over co-existentie en traceerbaarheid van GGO en niet-GGO productieketens, Breyer, Didier, Roosens Nancy, Berben G., Taverniers Isabel, Van den Bulcke Marc, and Sneyers Myriam , LabInfo, 0/0/2009, Volume 3, Issue November 2009, Number 23, p.22 - 23, (2009)
Co-Extra: Projet européen sur la coexistence et la traçabilité des filières OGM et non-OGM, Breyer, Didier, Roosens Nancy, Berben G., Taverniers Isabel, Van den Bulcke Marc, and Sneyers Myriam , LabInfo, 0/0/2009, Volume 3, Issue Novembre 2009, Number 23, p.22 - 23, (2009)
European project Co-Extra: GM and non-GM supply chains: their co-existence and traceability, Breyer, Didier, Roosens Nancy, Berben G., Taverniers Isabel, Van den Bulcke Marc, and Sneyers Myriam , LabInfo, 1/11/2009, Volume 3, Number 23, Brussels, p.22 - 23, (2009)
Genetic modification through oligonucleotide-mediated mutagenesis. A GMO regulatory challenge?, Breyer, Didier, Herman Philippe, Brandenburger Annick, Gheysen Godelieve, Remaut Erik, Soumillion Patrice, Van Doorsselaere Jan, Custers René, Pauwels Katia, Sneyers Myriam, et al. , Environ Biosafety Res, 2009 Apr-Jun, Volume 8, Issue 2, p.57-64, (2009)
Should novel organisms developed using oligonucleotide-mediated mutagenesis be excluded from the EU Regulation, Breyer, Didier, Herman Philippe, Brandenburger A., Gheysen G., Remaut E., Soumillion P., Van Doorsselaere J., Custers R., Pauwels Katia, Sneyers Myriam, et al. , ISB news report, 0/0/2009, Volume November 2009, Number 12, Brussels, p.2 - 12, (2009)
Towards an integrated Real-Time Q-PCR platform for GMO detection at low level presence, Lievens, A., Leunda Amaya, Piednoir E., Sneyers Myriam, and Van den Bulcke Marc , Co-extra International Congress, 3/6/2009, Issue Co-extra International Congress, NA, (2009)
General presentation of the NRL-GMO and activities since 01/07/2007, Sneyers, Myriam , Groupe de communication NRL, 30/10/2008, Issue NRL, NA, (2008)

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