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Filters: Auteur is Myriam Sneyers
Regulatory/legal framework of GMO detection2801,
, Towards a safer food supply in Europe, 0/0/2007, Number 87, Brussels, p.335, (2007)
Biosafety recommendations for the contained use of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex isolates in industrialized countries,
, 0/0/2006, Volume D/2006/2505/22, Number 17, Brussels, p.17, (2006)
Biosafety risk assessment of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) coronavirus and containment measures for the diagnostic and research laboratories,
, Appl.Biosaf., 0/0/2004, Volume 9, Issue 3, Number 142, p.128 - 142, (2004)
Report: "Demonstrating the quality of implementing Polio laboratory containment requirements",
, 0/0/2003, Number 22, Brussels, p.22, (2003)
Gene therapy clinical trials in Belgium,
, Hum.Gene Ther., 0/0/2001, Volume 12, Issue 10, Number 1365, p.1361 - 1365, (2001)
Rapport: Premier décès rapporté de thérapie génique,
, 0/0/2000, Number 20, Bruxelles, p.20, (2000)
Report: First gene therapy related death,
, 0/0/2000, Number 20, Brussels, p.20, (2000)
Verslag: Eerste gerapporteerde sterfgeval ten gevolge van gentherapie,
, 0/0/2000, Number 21, Brussel, p.21, (2000)
Manipulation d'organismes pathogènes ou génétiquement modifiés dans les hôpitaux,
, Het Belgisch Ziekenhuis, 0/0/1997, Volume 4, Number 62, p.55 - 62, (1997)
Transgenic plant event detection,
, 2007, Issue 29/01/2008, (0)