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Prof. Dr. ir. Nick De Regge MSc
Nick De Regge graduated in 2003 as a Bio-engineer at Ghent University. He then started a PhD at the laboratory of virology of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Ghent University. There he performed research looking at the interactions between pseudorabies virus and trigeminal ganglion neurons under the promotorship of Prof Herman Favoreel. After obtaining his PhD in 2007, he stayed 2 years in the same laboratory as a post-doctoral researcher.
He started working as a scientist at CODA-CERVA in 2010. He is working in the Scientific directorate of Infectious Animal Diseases and more specifically at the Unit of Enzootic and Vector Borne Diseases. His main research focus was first on pseudorabies virus and small ruminant lentiviruses. Nowadays, a specific focus goes to vector borne diseases like Schmallenberg virus and different flaviviruses with emphasis on vector competence of indigenous arthropod vectors and virus-vector-host interactions.
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