Zoekresultaten - 230 results
Neonatal factors predictive for respiratory and gastro-intestinal morbidity after esophageal atresia repair.
until only significant variables remained in the model. Multinomial logistic regression was used to assess risk factors for different evolutions of complication. Model parameter estimates were used to ...
Comparison of SNP-based subtyping workflows for bacterial isolates using WGS data, applied to Salmonella enterica serotype Typhimurium and serotype 1,4,[5],12:i:.
presented in this study illustrate the importance of using correct data analysis strategies and to define benchmark and fine-tune parameters applied within routine data analysis pipelines to obtain ...
Performance of in silico models for mutagenicity prediction of food contact materials
these predictions, the capacity of the prediction models to generate (sufficiently) reliable results for a particular type of compounds needs to be evaluated. In the current study, performance parameters to predict ...
Comparative long-term trend analysis of daily weather conditions with daily pollen concentrations in Brussels, Belgium.
meteorological conditions by using long-term daily datasets of 11 pollen types (8 trees and 3 herbaceous plants) and 10 meteorological parameters observed in Brussels between 1982 and 2015. Furthermore, we ...
The effect of enteral tube feeding in cystic fibrosis: A registry based study.
ETF, had already a significant worse nutritional status and pulmonary function at first entry in the registry. Both parameters displayed a significant decline before ETF-introduction. ETF had more ...
Impact of water deficit on physiological parameters, bioactive content and antioxidant activity of three olive cultivars
Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Edziri, H.; R. Jaziri; F. Aissaoui; Luc Verschaeve; G. Flamini; H. Chehab; S. Laameri; B. Chihaoui; Z. Mahjoub; H. Sfina; A. Abdrrahman; Mastouri, M.; D. Boujnah Source: South African Journal of ...
Effectiveness and Cost Efficiency of Different Surveillance Components for Proving Freedom and Early Detection of Disease: Bluetongue Serotype 8 in Cattle as Case Study for Belgium, France and the Netherlands.
influential parameters for proving freedom and early detection. Looking at the assumed direct costs, although total costs were low for sentinel and passive clinical surveillance components, passive clinical ...
Increasing candidemia incidence from 2004 to 2015 with a shift in epidemiology in patients pre-exposed to antifungals.
/ METHODS: Candidemia incidence was expressed per 10,000 patient days (PD). Epidemiological parameters and antifungal consumption data were extracted from the hospital database and delivered by the hospital ...
National Surveillance of Infections acquired in Intensive Care Units: Annual Report 2015
and process parameters for the prevention of infection. Health Topics: Résistance aux antimicrobiens (AMR) Antimicrobiële resistentie (AMR) Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) Service: Infections liées aux ...
Hepatitis E virus serology and PCR: does the methodology matter?
emerging pathogen in the developed world. As the clinical manifestations and routine laboratory parameters are often nonspecific, accurate diagnostic tests are crucial. In the current study, the performance ...