Requesting a microbiological survey of the indoor environment

Last updated on 27-6-2024 by Pierre Daubresse

Why request a microbiological survey?

In the case of pathologies that may be related to problems in an indoor space (presence of mould, dust mites, bacteria, humidity, etc.), it is advisable to request a microbiological survey of the indoor environment.

Sciensano’s Indoor Mycology unit performs sampling and analysis in many environments and for various sectors.
In collaboration with the regions, this programme performs sampling and analysis on a number of microbiological pollutants (moulds, bacteria, endotoxins, thermoactinomycetes, dust mites and their allergens) in public or private (residential) places.
Our team also goes to the workplace, in close collaboration with internal and external services for prevention and protection at work.

Request a survey as:

Public Sector

As a representative of the public sector, you can contact us directly to carry out microbiological surveys in public buildings (schools, nurseries, libraries, museums, and other community buildings).

Professional Sector

Companies can contact us directly to carry out microbiological studies in various types of buildings (offices, industrial buildings, composting businesses, etc.).

It is also possible for you, as an occupational physician or prevention consultant, to take the necessary samples yourself. You can rent the equipment needed to take samples. Your samples are then analysed by our team in the Sciensano laboratory. The requirement for this is that you have taken a training course given annually by our team.


Private individuals can contact us directly for the performance of microbiological analyses in their homes. Please fill in File this form and send it to us when you contact us.
It is also possible for you as a private individual to contact the competent authorities below.

Private individual living in Wallonia

If you are a private individual living in Wallonia, you can put questions about your indoor environment to the SAMI (Service d’Analyse des Milieux Intérieurs).

Below you can find the different provincial contact points for the SAMI:

SAMI Walloon Brabant — SAMI Liège - SAMI HainautSAMI Luxembourg - SAMI Namur

Private individual living in Brussels

If you are a private individual living in the Brussels-Capital Region, you can put questions about your indoor environment to the Cellule Régionale d’Intervention en Pollution Intérieure (CRIPI), which carries out microbiological and chemical surveys in homes in Brussels on medical request.

A doctor who believes that a health problem could be linked to the presence of pollution in the indoor environment of a patient’s home can request the intervention of the CRIPI.

Private individual living in Flanders

If you are a private individual living in Flanders, you can put questions about your living environment to Logos”.
In case of problems with your indoor environment, you can contact the environmental health officer (“medisch milieukundige”) for your region.

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