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Alien invasive birds., Brochier, Bernard, Vangeluwe D, and van den Berg Thierry , Rev Sci Tech, 2010 Aug, Volume 29, Issue 2, p.217-25, (2010)
Case finding of Influenza A(H1N1)2009 in a non-exposed population in the early pandemic36885, Quoilin, Sophie, Thomas Isabelle, Gerard C., Brochier Bernard, Bots J., Lokietek S., Robesyn E., Wuillaume Françoise, and Muyldermans Gaetan , Archives of Public Health, 0/0/2010, Volume 68, Number 61, p.53 - 61, (2010)
Computerized general practice based networks yield comparable performance with sentinel data in monitoring epidemiological time-course of influenza-like illness and acute respiratory illness36889, Truyers, C., Lesaffre E., Bartholomeeusen S., Aertgeerts B., Snacken R., Brochier Bernard, Yane F., and Buntinx F.J. , BMC.Fam.Pract., 0/0/2010, Volume 11, p.24, (2010)
De ontwikkeling en het in de handel brengen van een recombinant vaccine tegen rabiës, Brochier, Bernard , 0/0/2010, Brussels, (2010)
Oral fluid for the serological and molecular diagnosis of measles., Hutse, Veronik, Van Hecke K, De Bruyn R, Samu O, Lernout Tinne, Muyembe J J., and Brochier Bernard , Int J Infect Dis, 2010 Nov, Volume 14, Issue 11, p.e991-7, (2010)
Revue du risque zoonotique, de l'impact vétérinaire et de la surveillance des virus influenza porcins dans le cadre de l'émergence du virus pandémique influenza A/H1N1 (2009).36859, Cardoen, S., Thiry Etienne, Van Reeth K., Cay Ann Brigitte, Dewulf J., Hooyberghs J., Houdart P., Saegerman C., Berkvens Dirk, Goubau P., et al. , Ann.Méd.Vét, 0/0/2010, Volume x, (2010)
Virological surveillance of the Influenza A (H1N1)2009 pandemic: the role of the Belgian National Influenza Centre , Gerard, C., Brochier Bernard, Quoilin Sophie, Wuillaume Françoise, Van Casteren Viviane, and Thomas Isabelle , Archives of Public Health, 0/0/2010, Volume 68, Issue 2, Number 75, p.68 - 75, (2010)

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