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Filters: Author is Nicolas Bruffaerts
Advancing automated identification of airborne fungal spores: Guidelines for cultivation and reference dataset creation, Bruffaerts, Nicolas, Graf E, Tiwari Astha, Pyrri I, Erb S, Plaza M, D'hooge Elizabet, Matavulj P, and Sikoparija B , World Aerobiology Conference 2024, July-2024, Vilnius, Lithuania, (2024)
Advancing automated identification of airborne fungal spores: Guidelines for cultivation and reference dataset creation, Bruffaerts, Nicolas, Graf E, Tiwari Astha, Pyrri I, Erb S, Plaza M, D'hooge Elizabet, Matavulj P, and Sikoparija B , European Aerosol Congress 2024, Aug-2024, Tampere, Finland, (2024)
Airborne DNA: State of the art – Established methods and missing pieces in the molecular genetic detection of airborne microorganisms, viruses and plant particles, Pogner, C.-E., Antunes C., Apangu G.P., Bruffaerts Nicolas, Celenk S., Cristofori A., González Roldán N., Grinn-Gofroń A., Lara B., Lika M., et al. , Science of The Total Environment, Jan-12-2024, Volume 957, (2024)
Analyzing the airborne birch and grass pollen monitoring network in Belgium, Verstraeten, W W., Bruffaerts Nicolas, Kouznetsov R, Sofiev M, and Delcloo A W. , World Aerobiology Conference 2024, July-2024, Vilnius, Lithuania, (2024)
Assessing uncertainty in airborne birch pollen modelling, Verstraeten, Willem W., Kouznetsov Rostislav, Bruffaerts Nicolas, Sofiev Mikhail, and Delcloo Andy W. , Aerobiologia, Jan-06-2024, Volume 40, Issue 2, (2024)
Estimating the Uncertainty in Airborne Birch Pollen Modelling, Verstraeten, W W., Bruffaerts Nicolas, Kouznetsov R, Sofiev M, and Delcloo A W. , World Aerobiology Conference 2024, July-2024, Vilnius, Lithuania, (2024)
European pollen reanalysis, 1980–2022, for alder, birch, and olive, Sofiev, Mikhail, Palamarchuk Julia, Kouznetsov Rostislav, Abramidze Tamuna, Beverley Adams-Groom, Antunes Célia M., Ariño Arturo H., Bastl Maximilian, Belmonte Jordina, Berger Uwe E., et al. , Scientific Data, Jan-12-2024, Volume 11, Issue 1, (2024)
Evaluation of European Pollen Reanalysis, Palamarchuk, J, Sofiev M, Bruffaerts Nicolas, Galan C, Saarto A, Sauliene I, and Sozinova O , World Aerobiology Conference 2024, July-2024, Vilnius, Lithuania, (2024)
First European pollen reanalysis for allergenic trees, Sofiev, M, Palamarchuk J, Kouznetsov R, Abramidze T, Adams-Groom B, Antunes C, Ariño A, Bastl M, Belmonte J, Berger U, et al. , World Aerobiology Conference 2024, July-2024, Vilnius, Lithuania, (2024)
Forecasting daily total pollen concentrations on a global scale, László, Makra, Coviello Luca, Gobbi Andrea, Jurman Giuseppe, Furlanello Cesare, Brunato Mauro, Ziska Lewis H., Hess Jeremy J., Damialis Athanasios, Plaza Garcia, Maria Pila, et al. , Allergy, Dec-07-2024, (2024)
Holography-based aerobiological monitoring: a 2-year intercomparison campaign versus the standard Hirst method in Brussels, Belgium, Tiwari, Astha, and Bruffaerts Nicolas , Challenges of Modern Aerobiology – 82nd International scientific conference, Jan-2024, Issue University of Latvia, Online, (2024)
Holography-based aerobiological monitoring: a 2-year intercomparison campaign versus the standard Hirst method in Brussels, Belgium, Tiwari, Astha, and Bruffaerts Nicolas , World Aerobiology Conference 2024, July-2024, Vilnius, Lithuania, (2024)
Impact of environmental nitrogen enrichment on birch pollen allergy, Verscheure, P, Daelemans R, Keysers S, Coorevits L, Honnay O, Van Gerven L, Breynaert C, Bullens D, Devleesschauwer Brecht, Speybroeck N, et al. , World Aerobiology Conference 2024, July-2024, Vilnius, Lithuania, (2024)
Metabarcoding and metagenomics techniques in monitoring airborne pollen, Pérez-Badia, R, Pogner CE, Antunes C, Apangu GP, Bruffaerts Nicolas, Celenk S, Cristofori A, González-Roldán N, Grinn-Gofron A, Lara B, et al. , XX International Botanical Congress, July-2024, Madrid, Spain, (2024)
Modelling grass pollen load in temperate and Mediterranean European areas based on source spatial distribution, Rojo, J, Oteros J, Picornell A, Galán Díaz J, Romero-Morte J, Lara B, Cascón A, Rodríguez-Arias RM, Muñoz-Gómez G, Bergmann KC, et al. , World Aerobiology Conference 2024, July-2024, Vilnius, Lithuania, (2024)
The role of automatic pollen and fungal spore monitoring across major end-user domains, Tummon, Fiona, Beverley Adams-Groom, Antunes Célia M., Bruffaerts Nicolas, Buters Jeroen, Cariñanos Paloma, Celenk Sevcan, Choël Marie, Clot Bernard, Cristofori Antonella, et al. , Aerobiologia, Mar-04-2024, (2024)
The search for the best airborne pollen monitoring locations, Verstraeten, W W., Bruffaerts Nicolas, Kouznetsov R, Sofiev M, and Delcloo A W. , EGU General Assembly, Apr-2024, Volume EGU24-5408, Issue EGU, Vienna, Austria, (2024)
Variability in Alternaria alternata spore characteristics under different culture conditions: implications for automatic detection using air flow cytometry, Pyrri, Ioanna, Bruffaerts Nicolas, Radovic Marko, D'hooge Elizabet, Janjusevic Ljiljana, and Branko Sikoparija , Aerobiologia, Sep-07-2024, (2024)
What drives the long-term changes in airborne birch and grass pollen levels in Belgium?, Verstraeten, W W., Bruffaerts Nicolas, Kouznetsov R, De Weger L A., Sofiev M, and Delcloo A W. , World Aerobiology Conference 2024, July-2024, Vilnius, Lithuania, (2024)
Attributing long-term changes in airborne birch and grass pollen concentrations to climate change and vegetation dynamics, Verstraeten, Willem W., Bruffaerts Nicolas, Kouznetsov Rostislav, de Weger Letty, Sofiev Mikhail, and Delcloo Andy W. , Atmospheric Environment, Jan-04-2023, Volume 298, (2023)
Daily allergy burden and heart rate characteristics in adults with allergic rhinitis based on a wearable telemonitoring system, Buekers, Joren, Stas Michiel, Aerts Raf, Bruffaerts Nicolas, Dujardin Sebastien, Van Nieuwenhuyse An, Van Orshoven Jos, Chevance Guillaume, Somers Ben, Aerts Jean‐Marie, et al. , Clinical and Translational Allergy, Jan-04-2023, Volume 13, Issue 4, (2023)
Effects of tree pollen on throughfall element fluxes in European forests, Verstraeten, Arne, Bruffaerts Nicolas, Cristofolini Fabiana, Vanguelova Elena, Neirynck Johan, Genouw Gerrit, De Vos Bruno, Waldner Peter, Thimonier Anne, Nussbaumer Anita, et al. , Biogeochemistry, Feb-09-2024, (2023)
Environmental degradation and the increasing burden of allergic disease: The need to determine the impact of nitrogen pollution, Ceulemans, Tobias, Verscheure Paulien, Shadouh Caroline, Van Acker Kasper, Devleesschauwer Brecht, Linard Catherine, Dendoncker Nicolas, Speybroeck Niko, Bruffaerts Nicolas, Honnay Olivier, et al. , Frontiers in Allergy, Feb-02-2023, Volume 4, (2023)
Forecasting Birch Pollen Levels in Belgium: First Analysis of the 2021 Season, Delcloo, Andy W., Verstraeten Willem W., Kouznetsov Rostislav, Hoebeke Lucie, Bruffaerts Nicolas, and Sofiev Mikhail , Air Pollution Modeling and its Application XXVIII, Jan 2023, Number 124, Springer Proceedings in Complexity, (2023)

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