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Filters: Author is Nicolas Bruffaerts
Automatic detection of airborne pollen: an overview, Buters, Jeroen, Clot Bernard, Galán Carmen, Gehrig Regula, Gilge Stefan, Hentges François, O’Connor David, Branko Sikoparija, Carsten Skjoth, Tummon Fiona, et al. , Aerobiologia, Jun-07-2024, (2022)
Daily heart rate characteristics, allergy symptom severity and mood in adults with allergic rhinitis, Buekers, J, Stas M, Aerts Raf, Bruffaerts Nicolas, Dujardin S, Van Nieuwenhuyse An, Van Orshoven J, Chevance G, Somers B, Aerts, et al. , ERS International Congress 2022, December 2022, Volume 60: Suppl. 66, 2487, Issue European Respiratory Journal, (2022)
Development of the EAACI% season definition a backup for a global application, Bastl, Maximilian, Berger Markus, Bastl Katharina, Dirr Lukas, Zwingers Thomas, Bergmann Karl‐Christian, Pfaar Oliver, Bruffaerts Nicolas, Magyar Donát, Majkowska‐Wojciechowska Barbara, et al. , Allergy, Jan-04-2022, Volume 77, Issue 4, (2022)
Reconstructing multi-decadal airborne birch pollen levels based on NDVI data and a pollen transport model, Verstraeten, Willem W., Kouznetsov Rostislav, Hoebeke Lucie, Bruffaerts Nicolas, Sofiev Mikhail, and Delcloo Andy W. , Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, Jan-06-2022, Volume 320, (2022)
Sentinel-2 Satellite and Hysplit Model Show that Local Cereal Harvesting Substantially Contributes to Peak Alternaria Spore Concentrations, Dr. Apangu, Godfrey Philliam, Dr. Adams-Groom Beverley, Satchwell Jack, Dr. Pashley Catherine H., Dr. Werner Małgorzata, Dr. Kryza Maciej, Dr. Szymanowski Mariusz, Dr. Malkiewicz Małgorzata, Bruffaerts Nicolas, Hoebeke Lucie, et al. , Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, November 2022, Volume 326, Issue 109156, (2022)
Towards standardisation of automatic pollen and fungal spore monitoring: best practises and guidelines, Tummon, Fiona, Bruffaerts Nicolas, Çelenk Sevcan, Choël Marie, Clot Bernard, Crouzy Benoit, Galán Carmen, Gilge Stefan, Hajkova Lenka, Mokin Vitalii, et al. , Aerobiologia, 07-09-2022, (2022)
Association between local airborne tree pollen composition and surrounding land cover across different spatial scales in Northern Belgium, Stas, Michiel, Aerts Raf, Hendrickx Marijke, Bruffaerts Nicolas, Dendoncker Nicolas, Hoebeke Lucie, Linard Catherine, Nawrot Tim, Van Nieuwenhuyse An, Aerts Jean-Marie, et al. , Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, Jan-06-2021, Volume 61, (2021)
Increased expression of IL‐33 is found in the lower airways of patients with seasonal allergic rhinitis and is not related to natural allergen exposure, Haccuria, Amaryllis, Van Muylem Alain, Malinovschi Andreï, Rasschaert Joanne, Virreira Myrna, Bruffaerts Nicolas, Hendrickx Marijke, and Michils Alain , Clinical & Experimental Allergy, Jan-06-2021, Volume 51, Issue 6, (2021)
Long-Term Pollen Monitoring in the Benelux: Evaluation of Allergenic Pollen Levels and Temporal Variations of Pollen Seasons, de Weger, Letty A., Bruffaerts Nicolas, Koenders Mieke M. J. F., Verstraeten Willem W., Delcloo Andy W., Hentges Pierre, and Hentges François , Frontiers in Allergy, Aug-07-2021, Volume 2, (2021)
Modelling grass pollen levels in Belgium, Verstraeten, Willem W., Kouznetsov Rostislav, Hoebeke Lucie, Bruffaerts Nicolas, Sofiev Mikhail, and Delcloo Andy W. , Science of The Total Environment, Jan-01-2021, Volume 753, (2021)
Predicting the severity of the grass pollen season and the effect of climate change in Northwest Europe, Kurganskiy, Alexander, Creer Simon, de Vere Natasha, Griffith Gareth W., Osborne Nicholas J., Wheeler Benedict W., McInnes Rachel N., Clewlow Yolanda, Barber Adam, Brennan Georgina L., et al. , Science Advances, Feb-03-2023, Volume 7, Issue 13, (2021)
Spatio-Temporal Modeling of Grass and Birch Pollen in Belgium, Delcloo, Andy, Verstraeten Willem W., Kouznetsov Rostislav, Bruffaerts Nicolas, Dujardin Sébastien, Hendrickx Marijke, and Sofiev Mikhail , Air Pollution Modeling and its Application XXVII, November 2021, Number 118, Berlin, Heidelberg, p.113 - 118, (2021)
Tree pollen allergy risks and changes across scenarios in urban green spaces in Brussels, Belgium, Aerts, Raf, Bruffaerts Nicolas, Somers Ben, Demoury Claire, Plusquin Michelle, Nawrot Tim S., and Hendrickx Marijke , Landscape and Urban Planning, Jan-03-2021, Volume 207, (2021)

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