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Filters: Author is Steven Van Borm
Evaluation of convenient pretreatment protocols for RNA virus metagenomics in serum and tissue samples., Rosseel, Toon, Ozhelvaci Orkun, Freimanis Graham, and Van Borm Steven , J Virol Methods, 2015 Sep 15, Volume 222, p.72-80, (2015)
Extensive genetic variability linked to IS26 insertions in the fljB promoter region of atypical monophasic variants of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium., Boland, Cécile, Bertrand Sophie, Mattheus Wesley, Dierick Katelijne, Jasson Vicky, Rosseel Toon, Van Borm Steven, Mahillon Jacques, and Wattiau P , Appl Environ Microbiol, 2015 May 01, Volume 81, Issue 9, Number 3175, p.3169-75, (2015)
Next-generation sequencing in veterinary medicine: how can the massive amount of information arising from high-throughput technologies improve diagnosis, control, and management of infectious diseases?, Van Borm, Steven, Belák Sándor, Freimanis Graham, Fusaro Alice, Granberg Fredrik, Höper Dirk, King Donald P., Monne Isabella, Orton Richard, and Rosseel Toon , Methods Mol Biol, 2015, Volume 1247, p.415-36, (2015)
Next-generation sequencing shows West Nile virus quasispecies diversification after a single passage in a carrion crow (Corvus corone) in vivo infection model., Dridi, M, Rosseel T, Orton R, Johnson P, Lecollinet S, Muylkens B, Lambrecht Bénédicte, and Van Borm Steven , J Gen Virol, 2015 Oct, Volume 96, Issue 10, p.2999-3009, (2015)
Quantification of rHVT-F genome load in feather follicles by specific real-time qPCR as an indicator of NDV-specific humoral immunity induced by day-old vaccination in SPF chickens., Rauw, Fabienne, Van Borm Steven, Welby S, Ngabirano E, Gardin Y, Palya V, and Lambrecht Bénédicte , Avian Pathol, 2015, Volume 44, Issue 3, p.154-61, (2015)
Chasing notifiable avian influenza in domestic poultry: a case report of low-pathogenic avian influenza h5 viruses in two Belgian holdings., Marché, Sylvie, Van Borm Steven, Lambrecht Bénédicte, Houdart P, and van den Berg Thierry , Transbound Emerg Dis, 2014 Dec, Volume 61, Issue 6, p.526-36, (2014)
False-positive results in metagenomic virus discovery: a strong case for follow-up diagnosis., Rosseel, T, Pardon B, De Clercq Kris, Ozhelvaci Orkun, and Van Borm Steven , Transbound Emerg Dis, 2014 Aug, Volume 61, Issue 4, p.293-9, (2014)
Molecular epidemiological analysis of the transboundary transmission of 2003 highly pathogenic avian influenza H7N7 outbreaks between the Netherlands and Belgium., Van Borm, Steven, Jonges M, Lambrecht Bénédicte, Koch G, Houdart P, and van den Berg Thierry , Transbound Emerg Dis, 2014 Feb, Volume 61, Issue 1, p.86-90, (2014)
ORIENT-EXPRESS in times of crisis, Broeders, Sylvia, De Keersmaecker Sigrid C. J., Van Gucht Steven, Thomas Isabelle, Suin Vanessa, Dierick Katelijne, Botteldoorn N, Van Borm Steven, and Roosens Nancy , Applications of Next Generation Sequencing for public health, 0/0/2014, Issue WIV-ISP, NA, (2014)
A thiazepino[4,5-a]benzimidazole derivative hampers the RNA replication of Eurasian serotypes of foot-and-mouth disease virus., Lefebvre, David, De Vleeschauwer Annebel, Goris Nesya, Van Borm Steven, Chimirri Alba, Monforte Anna Maria, Valdazo-Gonzalez Begona, King Donald P., Neyts Johan, and De Clercq Kris , Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 2014 Dec 12, Volume 455, Issue 3-4, p.378-81, (2014)
Different replication profiles in specific-pathogen-free chickens of two H7 low pathogenic avian influenza viruses isolated from wild birds., Marché, Sylvie, Claes Gerwin, Van Borm Steven, Vangeluwe Didier, van den Berg Thierry, and Lambrecht Bénédicte , Avian Dis, 2012 Dec, Volume 56, Issue 4 Suppl, p.959-65, (2012)
DNase SISPA-next generation sequencing confirms Schmallenberg virus in Belgian field samples and identifies genetic variation in Europe., Rosseel, Toon, Scheuch Matthias, Höper Dirk, De Regge Nick, Vandenbussche Frank, and Van Borm Steven , PLoS One, 2012, Volume 7, Issue 7, p.e41967, (2012)
Further evidence for the widespread co-circulation of lineages 4b and 7 velogenic Newcastle disease viruses in rural Nigeria., Van Borm, Steven, Obishakin Emmanuel, Joannis Tony, Lambrecht Bénédicte, and van den Berg Thierry , Avian Pathol, 2012, Volume 41, Issue 4, p.377-82, (2012)
Genetic data from avian influenza and avian paramyxoviruses generated by the European network of excellence (EPIZONE) between 2006 and 2011--review and recommendations for surveillance., Dundon, William G., Heidari Alireza, Fusaro Alice, Monne Isabella, Beato Maria Serena, Cattoli Giovanni, Koch Guus, Starick Elke, Brown Ian H., Aldous Elisabeth W., et al. , Vet Microbiol, 2012 Jan 27, Volume 154, Issue 3-4, p.209-21, (2012)
Phylogeographic analysis of avian influenza viruses isolated from Charadriiformes in Belgium confirms intercontinental reassortment in gulls., Van Borm, Steven, Rosseel Toon, Vangeluwe Didier, Vandenbussche Frank, van den Berg Thierry, and Lambrecht Bénédicte , Arch Virol, 2012 Aug, Volume 157, Issue 8, p.1509-22, (2012)

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