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Energy Drink Consumption among Adolescents Attending Schools in Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic of Congo.

Democratic Republic of the Congo Energy Drinks Female Humans Male Schools Surveys and Questionnaires Abstract: BACKGROUND: The consumption of energy drinks (ED s) is increasing in the general population, but ...

Food Enzyme Database (FEDA): a web application gathering information about food enzyme preparations available on the European market.

relevant information in one structured location that is easily accessible to support enforcement laboratories and the competent authorities, we developed a web application, called Food Enzyme Database ...

A collective call to strengthen monitoring and evaluation efforts to support healthy and sustainable food systems: 'The Accountability Pact'.

Sustainable Development Abstract: There is widespread agreement among experts that a fundamental reorientation of global, regional, national and local food systems is needed to achieve the UN Sustainable ...

Benchmarking the nutrition-related commitments and practices of major French food companies.

median proportion of ultra-processed food products 63% (range = 5-100%). Stronger company commitments did not translate into better performance metrics. CONCLUSIONS: There is room for significant ...

Strength of EU-level food environment policies and priority recommendations to create healthy food environments.

actions in the monitoring domain. CONCLUSIONS: There is large potential for the EU to strengthen its policies and infrastructure support in order to improve food environments. This study specifies priority ...

Perspective: Food Environment Research Priorities for Africa-Lessons from the Africa Food Environment Research Network.

and create supportive food environments in Africa for better population health is urgently needed. In November 2020, the Measurement, Evaluation, Accountability, and Leadership Support for ...

BSFM 2022- International outbreak of Salmonella Typhimurium linked to a chocolate factory in 2022: Belgian findings

investigation Salmonella Abstract: Introduction A multi-country outbreak caused by monophasic Salmonella Typhimurium is presented. A link with chocolate products from a Belgian factory was established by ...

Accumulation-depuration potential and natural occurrence of Microcystin-LR toxin in basil

time in Belgium, MC- LR was also detected in a vegetable from the market, showing human exposure through vegetables is already a reality. Health Topics:  Food consumption and food safety Consommation et ...

Spectroscopy and Chemometrics for Conformity Analysis of e-Liquids: Illegal Additive Detection and Nicotine Characterization

an e-cigarette is activated, a liquid is vaporized by heating, producing an aerosol that users inhale. While e-cigarettes are marketed as less harmful than traditional cigarettes, there are ongoing ...

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