Search results - 3368 results

Spectroscopy and Chemometrics for Conformity Analysis of e-Liquids: Illegal Additive Detection and Nicotine Characterization

an e-cigarette is activated, a liquid is vaporized by heating, producing an aerosol that users inhale. While e-cigarettes are marketed as less harmful than traditional cigarettes, there are ongoing ...

Beyond the scoop: investigating potential allergen risks when buying food in bulk

information, and the risk of cross-contamination. This risk can occur during various stages, including production, handling, manufacturing, storage, transportation, and when shared equipment is ...

Combined untargeted screenings of substances migrating from emerging food contact materials

reed) are examples of substitute materials, and they must comply with Regulation (EC) No 1935/2004. However, specific harmonized legislation is only available for plastic FCM, and the understanding of ...

Surveillance van COVID-19 vaccinatie bij zorgverleners in België. Intermediaire resultaten tot en met 31 mei 2021

gezondheidszorg is waargenomen, in vergelijking met de incidentie geregistreerd bij de algemene bevolking, wijst op het gunstige effect van massavaccinatie van deze tweede prioritaire groep. Ondanks bepaalde ...

Surveillance van de COVID-19 vaccinatie in Belgische woonzorgcentra. Resultaten tot 24 maart 2021.

het aantal ziekenhuisopnames en sterfgevallen onder de Belgische WZC bewoners. Daarentegen is de vaccinatiegraad van het WZC personeel lager. Op 24 maart 2021 lag deze tussen de 47 % en 65 % in de ...

Collaborative development of an innovative provocation protocol in studying electrohypersensitivity

24-29 June 2018, Issue Joint meeting EBEA/BEMS, Portorož, Slovenia (2018) Abstract: Introduction Electrohypersensitivity syndrome (EHS) constitutes a relatively new public health issue. It is ...

Thyroid Cancer Incidence around the Belgian Nuclear Sites, 2000-2014.

Humans incidence Infant Infant, Newborn Male middle aged Nuclear Power Plants sex factors Thyroid Neoplasms Young adult Abstract: The present study investigates whether there is an excess incidence of ...

Accelerating vaccine manufacturing development through model-based approaches: current advances and future opportunities

production is discussed in detail. These in silico process simulation approaches enable deeper understanding of manufacturing dynamics, identification of critical process parameters, and the development of ...

De epidemiologie van long covid in België

resultaten samen van twee epidemiologische studies die Sciensano in België heeft uitgevoerd. Een eerste studie is uitgevoerd bij huisartsen in de lente van 2022 (n = 105). 75% van de huisartsen had toen ...

Development and characterization of a human monoclonal antibody targeting the N-terminal region of hepatitis C virus envelope glycoprotein E1.

summary, mAb A6 is an important tool to study the structure and function of E1 within the viral envelope, a crucial step in the development of an effective prophylactic HCV  vaccine. Health Topics:  ...

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