Search results - 3368 results

Potential (co-)contamination of dairy milk with AFM1 and MC-LR and their synergistic interaction in inducing mitochondrial dysfunction in HepG2 cells.

is a knowledge gap regarding the carry-over of certain emerging toxins such as microcystin- LR (MC- LR). Therefore, this work aimed to develop an LC- MS / MS method for MC- LR quantification in dairy ...

Future of opioid markets in Europe: Foresight approaches

Abstract: Sources such as UNODC  report about the ban on opium production in Afghanistan in 2023. This ban might have an impact on the heroin market in Europe. It is difficult to foresee what the consequences ...

Applying foresight research for drug policy: Lessons from the DRUG-PREP project

Foresight research is increasingly recognised as important in navigating the rapidly evolving landscape of drug policy. This innovative approach enables thinking, debating and shaping future trajectories. ...

FT-IR spectroscopy as a rapid method for Salmonella spp. typing

Brussels, Belgium (2024) Keywords: foodborne outbreak FT-IR spectroscopy Abstract: Introduction Salmonella is a major foodborne pathogen, leading cause of non-typhoidal human salmonellosis. Eggs and egg ...

Reflections of the NRL: implementation of EN ISO 11133 in food microbiology laboratories

11133 food microbiology laboratories Quality Abstract:   Microbiology testing is critical to guarantee food safety and quality. Laboratories performing these tests are required to deliver accurate and ...

Epidemiologische surveillance van invasieve infecties met Haemophilus influenzae- 2023

grootschalige Hib-vaccinatie in 1993. In 2023 werden 13 Hib-besmettingen vastgesteld, wat in absolute aantallen iets meer is dan in de afgelopen tien jaar (2-10 gevallen/jaar), maar het aandeel Hib-gevallen ten ...

Epidemiologische surveillance van kinkhoest. Bordetella pertussis- 2023

kinkhoest Abstract: Hoofdpunten Sinds midden 2023 is er, net zoals in verschillende Europese landen, in België een toename van het aantal kinkhoestgevallen in alle regio’s. We zien de toename in alle ...

BY-COVID D5.1 Enriched report viral variants and health outcomes

sources, and countries. This evolving BY- COVID demonstrator is continuously enriched with new data, new evidence, and new hypotheses as part of Task 5.1. The use cases implemented in Task 5.2, Task 5.3 and ...

Protocol Be-MOMO in woonzorgcentra

Sciensano. Voortbouwend op het kader dat door Be- MOMO is opgezet, streeft het Be- MOMO in WZC project in 2024 naar het uitbreiden en verfijnen van de sterftemonitoring door specifiek te focussen op de ...

Substandard and falsified ivermectin tablets obtained for self-medication during the COVID-19 pandemic as a source of potential harm.

newly developed active pharmaceutical ingredients that can safely be used to combat parasites is rather scarce. Health Topics:  Illegal medicines Médicaments illégaux Illegale geneesmiddelen Service:  ...

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