Search results - 68 results

Pyrrolizidine alkaloids in food and feed on the Belgian market.

and quantification of 16 PA s in a broad range of matrices in the sub ng g(-1) range. The method was validated in milk, honey and hay and applied to honey, tea (Camellia sinensis), scented tea, herbal ...

Pre-registration efficacy study of a novel marker vaccine against classical swine fever on Maternally Derived Antibody negative (MDA-) target animals.

fewer than 100 per cent of the control piglets show clinical signs of disease within 21 days following challenge. Fulfilling these validity criteria is a key step in the registration procedure for ...

Human biomonitoring of multiple mycotoxins in the Belgian population: Results of the BIOMYCO study.

using two validated LC- MS / MS methods. Nine out of the 33 analysed mycotoxins were detected whereby deoxynivalenol (DON), OTA, CIT and their metabolites were the most frequently detected. ...

Schmallenberg virus circulation in culicoides in Belgium in 2012: field validation of a real time RT-PCR approach to assess virus replication and dissemination in midges.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Nick De Regge; Madder, Maxime; Deblauwe, Isra; Losson, Bertrand; Fassotte, Christiane; Demeulemeester, Julie; Smeets, François; Tomme, Marie; Ann Brigitte Cay Source: PLoS One, Volume 9, Issue 1, ...

Towards a typing strategy for Arcobacter species isolated from humans and animals and assessment of the in vitro genomic stability.

fragment-length polymorphism, and enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus (ERIC)- PCR have already been applied, but without proper validation or comparison. At present, no criterion standard typing method ...

Development, validation and evaluation of added diagnostic value of a q(RT)-PCR for the detection of genotype A strains of small ruminant lentiviruses.

a useful complementary tool in SRLV diagnosis. The goal of this study was to develop and validate a quantitative PCR capable to detect a broad range of SRLV strains from genotype A, including strains ...

Development and validation of three Capripoxvirus real-time PCRs for parallel testing.

further Capripoxvirus diagnosis. It was therefore the purpose of this study to develop a triplet real-time PCR panel with similar high sensitivity/specificity and provide sufficient validation data ...

Validation of a commercially available indirect ELISA using a nucleocapside recombinant protein for detection of Schmallenberg virus antibodies.

recombinant nucleocapsid protein (N) of Schmallenberg virus (SBV) was evaluated and validated for the detection of SBV-specific IgG antibodies in ruminant sera by three European Reference Laboratories. ...

Immune responses and protection against H5N1 highly pathogenic avian influenza virus induced by the Newcastle disease virus H5 vaccine in ducks.

domesticus) females. Immunological tools to measure NDV and H5-specific serum antibody, mucosal, and cell-mediated immune (CMI) responses in ducks have been validated after infection with the vector NDV and an ...

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