Search results - 68 results

Ochratoxin A and citrinin loads in stored wheat grains: impact of grain dust and possible prediction using ergosterol measurement.

content as a general marker of fungal biomass. Present results suggest that this predictive tool would only be valid for predicting the contamination level of CIT and OTA at reasonable moisture content ...

Detection of BVDV persistently infected animals in Belgium: evaluation of the strategy implemented.

A first evaluation of the measures already applied in Belgium is presented. Data obtained in 2003 are presented and discussed regarding the validation of the laboratory strategy, the prevalence of positive ...

Evaluation of amplified rDNA restriction analysis (ARDRA) for the identification of Mycoplasma species.

profiles. To check the validity of these theoretically calculated profiles, we performed ARDRA on 60 strains of 27 different species and subspecies of the genus Mycoplasma. RESULTS: In silico digestion with ...

Conditional expression of type I interferon-induced bovine Mx1 GTPase in a stable transgenic vero cell line interferes with replication of vesicular stomatitis virus.

We validated a double transgenic Vero cell clone in which the bovine Mx1 reference allele is placed under control of the human cytomegalovirus (CMV) enhancer-promoter sequence containing elements from ...

An experimental infection to investigate the indirect transmission of classical swine fever virus by excretions of infected pigs.

excretions is of minor importance in the early stages of infection. For extrapolation of these findings to the field situation and to increase the validity of the conclusions further research is needed to ...

Highly sensitive detection of swine vesicular disease virus based on a single tube RT-PCR system and DIG-ELISA detection.

concentrated using an ultrafiltration system and RNA extracted with the Purescript kit. The specificity of the test was validated on 27 SVDV strains belonging to four different groups. No cross-reactivity with ...

Development and evaluation of a core genome multilocus sequence typing scheme for Paenibacillus larvae, the deadly American foulbrood pathogen of honeybees.

whole-genome sequencing. A total of 333 genomes were used to identify, validate and evaluate 2419 core genes. The cgMLST allowed fine-scale differentiation between samples that had the same profile using ...

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