Search results - 68 results
Evaluation of four enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays for the serologic survey of avian influenza in wild bird species.
More and more commercial enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) are available for serologic surveillance, but these tests are often developed and validated for use in domestic poultry. However, for ...
Further evidence for the widespread co-circulation of lineages 4b and 7 velogenic Newcastle disease viruses in rural Nigeria.
in rural poultry and pigeons in Nigeria and highlight the importance of surveillance in developing countries to monitor the validity of rapid molecular diagnostic tools and of vaccination regimes. ...
Development and inter-laboratory validation study of an improved new real-time PCR assay with internal control for detection and laboratory diagnosis of African swine fever virus.
control, has been developed and validated by four National Reference Laboratories of the European Union for African swine fever (ASF) including the European Union Reference Laboratory. Primers and ...
Identification and complete genome sequencing of paramyxoviruses in mallard ducks (Anas platyrhynchos) using random access amplification and next generation sequencing technologies.
METHODS: To refine the virological identification of APMV2-10 realized by HI subtyping tests and in lack of validated molecular tests for APMV2-10, random access amplification was used in combination with ...
Nucleotide polymorphism-based single-tube test for robust molecular identification of all currently described Brucella species.
(MLST) database that has been extensively validated on hundreds of different Brucella strains. When assayed on both reference and field strains, the method yields characteristic capillary electrophoresis ...
A dynamic model to calculate cadmium concentrations in bovine tissues from basic soil characteristics.
drinking water, sampled at the farms were the bovines were reared. Validation of the model occurred with a second set of measured tissue Cd concentrations of 93 bovines of which age and farm location were ...
Two alternative inocula to reproduce bluetongue virus serotype 8 disease in calves.
between IL-4 and IFN-γ expression. Both tested inocula are presented as valid alternative to the use of wild type infectious blood in the study of the pathogenesis of BTV-8 or the efficacy of current and ...
Diagnostic performance and application of two commercial cell viability assays in foot-and-mouth disease research.
Abstract: Cell-based assays are still used widely in foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) research, despite the existence of a wide variety of molecular techniques. The aim of this study was to validate an automated, ...
Influence of the incubation temperature and the batch components on the sensitivity of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay to detect Aujeszky's disease virus glycoprotein E (gE).
validated using the quality system criteria, even when all technical parameters were controlled. Incubation at different temperatures and batch composition were identified as parameters that could result in ...
A duplex real-time RT-PCR for the detection of bluetongue virus in bovine semen.
(BTV). The aim of this study was to validate a real-time RT- PCR for the direct testing of semen for artificial insemination (AI). The amplification of the BTV target was combined with an internal control ...