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Filters: Auteur is Nadia Waegeneers
4DEMON: Centralization and valorization of 4 decades of biota contaminant data in the Belgian Part of the North Sea , Bekaert, K., Le Hong M., Lagring R., Ruttens Ann, Waegeneers Nadia, Ampe B., and De Witte B. , Liège symposium on ocean dynamics, 28/5-1/6, Luik, (2018)
Arsenic Speciation Analysis Elucidates the Risk Assesment of Food Supplements with Ingredients of Marine Origin. 9th Nordic Conference on plasma spectrochemistry, Cheyns, Karlien, Demaegdt Heidi, Waegeneers Nadia, and Ruttens Ann , 9th Nordic Conference on plasma spectrochemistry, June 2018, (2018)
Arsenic speciation in food in Belgium. Part 2: Cereals and cereal products., Ruttens, Ann, Cheyns Karlien, Blanpain Anne-Catherine, De Temmerman L, and Waegeneers Nadia , Food Chem Toxicol, 2018 Aug, Volume 118, Number 41, (2018)
Les risques des nanoparticules dans le secteur alimentaire et les enjeux pour la santé publique: éléments pour une méthode analytique du dioxyde de titane, Harti, Chaïmae, and Waegeneers Nadia , June 2018, Brussels, p.51, (2018)
A novel approach to model 4 decades of marine chemical data, De Witte, B., Le Hong M., Lagring R., Ruttens Ann, Waegeneers Nadia, Ampe B., and Bekaert K. , VLIZ symposium, (2018)
Physico-chemical characterization of the fraction of engineered nanomaterials in silver food additives (E174) in the context of risk assessment (nanoAg@), Verleysen, Eveline, De Vos Sandra, Waegeneers Nadia, Delfosse Lotte, Ledecq Marina, and Mast Jan , 2018, (2018)
PT-2018-NRL-TE-FASFC Determination of As, Asi, Cd, Pb, Cu, Zn and Hg in baby food. Final report on the 2018 Proficiency test organized by the national reference laboratory for trace elements in food and feed, Cheyns, Karlien, and Waegeneers Nadia , (2018)
Screening for nanoparticles in complex matrices within a regulatory framework: are we there yet?, Waegeneers, Nadia, Delfosse L., De Vos Sandra, and Mast Jan , 40th International Conference on Environmental & Food Monitoring (ISEAC-40), 2018, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, (2018)
Short-term biodistribution and clearance of intravenously administered silica nanoparticles, Waegeneers, Nadia, Brasseur Anne, Van Doren Elke, Van der Heyden Sara, Serreyn Pieter-Jan, Pussemier Luc, Mast Jan, Schneider Yves-Jacques, Ruttens Ann, and Roels S. , Toxicology Reports, 23/05/2018, Volume 5, Number 638, (2018)
Short-term biodistribution and clearance of intravenously administered silica nanoparticles, Waegeneers, Nadia, Brasseur Anne, Van Doren Elke, Van der Heyden Sara, Serreyn Pieter-Jan, Pussemier Luc, Mast Jan, Schneider Yves-Jacques, Ruttens Ann, and Roels S. , Toxicology Reports, Jan-01-2018, Volume 5, (2018)
Analyse van Spoorelementen, waar ligt de grens?, Cheyns, Karlien, Waegeneers Nadia, Demaegdt Heidi, and Ruttens Ann , Labinfo, 04/2017, Volume 16, Number 11, Brussels, Belgium, (2017)
Analysis and risk characterization of arsenic species in food supplements based on clay., Demaegdt, Heidi, Ruttens Ann, Cheyns Karlien, and Waegeneers Nadia , Beltox annual meeting, 1/12/2017, Issue Beltox, Leuven, Belgium, (2017)
Analysis and risk characterization of arsenic species in food supplements based on algae and marine animals., Demaegdt, Heidi, Waegeneers Nadia, and Ruttens Ann , ECSafeSeafood Conference, 26-01-2017, Issue ECSafeSeafood, Brussels, Belgium, (2017)
Arsenic Release from Foodstuffs upon Food Preparation., Cheyns, Karlien, Waegeneers Nadia, Van de Wiele Tom, and Ruttens Ann , J Agric Food Chem, 2017 Mar 22, Volume 65, Issue 11, p.2443-2453, (2017)
Consumers can lower their toxic arsenic intake by selecting appropriate kitchen practices. SETAC Europe 27th annual meeting, 08-11 May 2017, Brussels, Belgium, Cheyns, Karlien, Waegeneers Nadia, and Ruttens Ann , SETAC Europe 27th annual meeting, 08-11 May 2017, Brussels, Belgium, 05/2017, Issue SETAC Europe, Brussels, Belgium, (2017)
Determination of As, Asi, Cd, Pb, Cu and Zn in chocolate (PT-2017-NRL-TE-FASFC). Final report on the 2017 Proficiency Test organised by the National Reference Laboratory for Trace Elements in Food and Feed., Cheyns, Karlien, and Waegeneers Nadia , 09/2017, Brussel, België, p.NA, (2017)
Human absorption of silver ENM: through particles or ions?, Waegeneers, Nadia, Brasseur A, Van Der Heyden S, Mast Jan, and Roels S. , SETAC Brussels, 2017, Brussel, België, (2017)
Analyse en risicokarakterisatie van arseenspecies in voedingssupplementen. Eindrapport COMPAs-project., Demaegdt, Heidi, Waegeneers Nadia, and Ruttens Ann , 09/2016, Brussel, België, p.NA, (2016)
Analysis and risk characterisation for arsenic species in food supplements. Final report COMPAs project. , Demaegdt, Heidi, Waegeneers Nadia, and Ruttens Ann , 09/2016, Brussels, Belgium, p.NA, (2016)
Chemical analyses of dredged spoil disposal sites at the Belgian part of the North Sea., De Witte, Bavo, Ruttens Ann, Ampe Bart, Waegeneers Nadia, Gauquie Johanna, Devriese Lisa, Cooreman Kris, and Parmentier Koen , Chemosphere, 2016 Aug, Volume 156, p.172-180, (2016)
Determination of As, Asi, Cd, Pb, Cu and Zn in rice wafers (PT-2016-NRL-TE-FASFC).Final report on the 2016 Proficiency Test organised by the National Reference Laboratory for Trace Elements in Food and Feed., Cheyns, Karlien, and Waegeneers Nadia , 09/2016, Brussels, Belgium, p.29, (2016)
In vitro assessment of arsenic bioaccessibility and intestinal transport including gut microbiota contribution, Calatayud, M., Geirnaert A., Grootaert C., G. Laing Du, Ruttens Ann, Waegeneers Nadia, and Van de Wiele T. , International Conference of Heavy Metals in the Environment (ICHMET), Ghent, Belgium, 12/9-15/9, (2016)
Introducing speciation changes, human bioaccessibility and bioavailability in the risk evaluation of dietary inorganic arsenic intake: a Belgian case study , Waegeneers, Nadia, Ruttens Ann, Sergent T., G. Laing Du, Schneider Y-J, and Van de Wiele Tom , SETAC Nantes, 2016, Issue SETAC, Brussel, België, (2016)
Method validation of nanomaterial characterization by single particle ICP-MS, DLS and quantitative TEM analyses. Final report NanoVAL., Bozatzidis, V, Delfosse L., Evrard Annick, and Waegeneers Nadia , 07/2016, Brussels, Belgium, p.NA, (2016)
Polyphosphates and Fulvates Enhance Environmental Stability of PO4-Bearing Colloidal Iron Oxyhydroxides., Bollyn, Jessica, Nijsen Mathias, Baken Stijn, Joye Iris, Waegeneers Nadia, Cornelis Geert, and Smolders E , J Agric Food Chem, 2016 Nov 16, Volume 64, Issue 45, p.8465-8473, (2016)

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