Zoekresultaten - 230 results

Method Development and Validation of an Aerosol Sampling Technique for the Analysis of Nicotine in Electronic Cigarette Aerosols

The method was applied to 15 commercial e-liquids. A complete validation of a method for the analysis of e-cigarette emissions is presented, including several parameters that impact the accuracy and ...

Assessing uncertainty in airborne birch pollen modelling

uncertainties of the parameters determining the start and end of the season are at least equally important. By accumulating the effects of all investigated model input uncertainties including the impact of the ...

Modelling the pesticide transfer during tea and herbal tea infusions by the identification of critical infusion parameters.

limits. Consideration of the transfer of pesticides from the leaves (called transfer factors) to the brew is essential to assess the associated risk. This study identified infusion parameters influencing ...

Strain-level characterization without culture enrichment? Easing and accelerating outbreak investigation using shotgun metagenomics facilitated with nanopore adaptive sampling

various living organisms or the cultivation parameters. Moreover, the current methods require a subsequent but not always successful isolation. In part due to these two drawbacks, not all outbreaks can be ...

Minimum information guidelines for experiments structurally characterizing intrinsically disordered protein regions.

parameters required for the wider scientific community to understand the findings of an experiment studying the structural properties of intrinsically disordered regions (IDR s). MIADE guidelines provide ...

Een profielschets van heroïne in België- Samenvatting van de resultaten van RADAR-heroin-23.

konden volgende parameters bepaald worden: zuiverheid van elk heroïnestaal, onzuiverheden en versnijdingsmiddelen en aanwezigheid van andere potentieel gevaarlijke substanties, bijvoorbeeld fentanyl.  ...

Evaluating the health and health economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on delayed cancer care in Belgium: A Markov model study protocol

quality-adjusted life year losses between the pre- COVID-19 situation and the COVID-19 pandemic in Belgium. Input parameters were derived from published studies (transition probabilities, utilities and indirect ...

Risk Factors Associated with Severe RSV Infection in Infants: What Is the Role of Viral Co-Infections?

for a panel of 16 different respiratory viruses with multiplex RT-qPCR. Disease severity was assessed with traditional clinical parameters and scoring systems. A total of 120 patients were included, of ...

Humoral and cellular immune correlates of protection against COVID-19 in kidney transplant recipients.

interferon gamma responses as correlates of protection against BTI. No demographic or clinical parameter correlated with the risk of BTI. In multivariate analysis, the risk of BTI was best predicted by ...

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