Zoekresultaten - 869 results
Screening for nanoparticles in complex matrices within a regulatory framework: are we there yet?
particle inductively coupled plasma – mass spectrometry (spICP- MS) was studied as a screening tool to determine the number-based size distribution of Ag particles, their particle number and mass ...
Utilization of gabapentin by people in treatment for substance use disorders in Belgium (2011-2014): a cross-sectional study.
studies report the potential risk of abuse of gabapentin by people with substance use disorders. The objective of this paper is to determine if people who have been in treatment for substance use disorders ...
Genetic Basis and Clonal Population Structure of Antibiotic Resistance in Isolated From Broiler Carcasses in Belgium.
resistance profiles and occurrence of antimicrobial resistance determinants of a set of strains isolated from broiler carcasses in Belgium. Minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC s) against five commonly-used ...
Distribution of HCV genotypes in Belgium from 2008 to 2015.
However they are outdated, lack nationwide representativeness or were not conducted in the general population. METHODS: In order to determine the distribution of different circulating HCV genotypes in ...
Orthogonal typing methods identify genetic diversity among Belgian Campylobacter jejuni strains isolated over a decade from poultry and cases of sporadic human illness.
harbored sialylated LOS loci associated with potential neuropathic outcomes in humans. Although the concordance between MLST and P- BIT, determined by the adjusted Rand and Wallace coefficients, showed low ...
A novel genotoxin-specific qPCR array based on the metabolically competent human HepaRG™ cell line as a rapid and reliable tool for improved in vitro hazard assessment
tested at sub-cytotoxic concentrations, i.e., IC10 concentrations as determined by the 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay. The resulting gene classifier was ...
Arsenic Speciation Analysis Elucidates the Risk Assesment of Food Supplements with Ingredients of Marine Origin. 9th Nordic Conference on plasma spectrochemistry
the consumption of these types of FS, based on 60 samples collected in a Belgian market study. In this context, the determination of the most toxic fraction, inorganic arsenic (As i) and the non-toxic ...
Sensitivity of African swine fever virus (ASFV) to heat, alkalinity and peroxide treatment in presence or absence of porcine plasma.
dried porcine plasma (SDPP). Standard endpoint dilution assays were used to determine the sensitivity of Vero-cell adapted Lisbon/60 strain ASFV to heat treatment (H) at alkaline conditions (A) with or ...
Complete coding sequence of a novel picorna-like virus in a blackbird infected with Usutu virus.
reads) was determined from a blackbird (Turdus merula) infected with Usutu virus. This sequence shares only 36% amino acid sequence identity with its closest homolog, arivirus 1, (an unclassified member of ...
Relative contributions of recommended food environment policies to improve population nutrition: results from a Delphi study with international food policy experts.
Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Rewena Mahesh; Stefanie Vandevijvere; Dominick, Clare; Swinburn, Boyd Source: Public Health Nutr (2018) Abstract: OBJECTIVE: To determine ...