Zoekresultaten - 869 results
Case report of a false positive result of the Xpert(®) MTB/RIF assay for rifampicin resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex.
positive for TB and positive for RIF resistance. Confirmatory molecular tests and the phenotypic drug susceptibility determination supported the diagnosis of TB but not RIF resistance. The patient was ...
Belgian Wildlife as Potential Zoonotic Reservoir of Hepatitis E Virus.
determine in which situation deer can serve as reservoir. These results also raise the question of the dynamics of HEV infection between wild fauna, domestic pigs and humans. Health Topics: Health and ...
Prenatal diagnosis and prevention of toxoplasmosis in pregnant women in Northern Vietnam: study protocol.
toxoplasmosis. This study protocol was developed to determine the seroprevalence of toxoplasmosis in pregnant women in Hanoi and Thai Binh, Northern Vietnam, and to evaluate the association with risk factors and ...
Development and validation of a HS/GC-MS method for the simultaneous analysis of diacetyl and acetylpropionyl in electronic cigarette refills
analytical methods have been published for determining e-liquid compositions, but concerns exist with respect to the lack of analytical evaluation. Hence in this study, a new HS / GC- MS-based method was ...
Discrimination of three genetically close Aspergillus species by using high resolution melting analysis applied to indoor air as case study.
the highly accurate determination of the difference in melting temperature of the obtained amplicon. In this study, we provide a proof-of-concept for this approach, using a dye adapted version of our ...
Public health risk of antimicrobial resistance transfer from companion animals.
colonization of companion animals with resistant bacteria and transmission of antimicrobial resistance (bacteria and/or resistance determinants) between animals and humans. The major antimicrobial resistance ...
Outbreak investigations and molecular characterization of foot-and-mouth disease viruses circulating in south-west Niger.
determined by the two-dimensional virus neutralization test (2dmVNT), revealing a close antigenic match between the field isolate from Niger and three FMDV serotype O vaccine strains. Serological analyses ...
Biomarkers in patients admitted to the emergency department after exposure to acrylonitrile in a major railway incident involving bulk chemical material.
and thiocyanate (SCN), biomarkers determined during emergency care. RESULTS: 438 patients from 11 ED ’s were included and presented with known symptoms of ACN poisoning but also with concern about the ...
Persistence of antimicrobial resistance in respiratory streptococci.
treatment with penicillins or cephalosporins, which confirms the findings from prospective studies and suggests the use of routinely collected data as a valuable alternative to determine such differences in ...
Diagnostic accuracy of p16(INK4a) immunohistochemistry in oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinomas: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
meta-analysis to determine the diagnostic accuracy of p16(INK4 a) immunohistochemistry (IHC) to identify HPV-induced OPSCC. We identified all studies that performed p16(INK4 a) IHC (index test) and HPV E6 / E7 ...