Zoekresultaten - 869 results
Accuracy profiles assessing the validity for routine use of high-performance thin-layer chromatographic assays for drug formulations
uncertainties of every compound at each concentration level could also be determined from the accuracy profile data Service: Geneesmiddelen en gezondheidsproducten Medicines and health products Médicaments et ...
Clinical pattern characterization of cattle naturally infected by BTV-8.
was conducted to determine the most important clinical signs every week for the first 7 weeks. The highest scores were recorded within 2 weeks of clinical onset. The first recorded clinical signs were ...
An essential role for γ-herpesvirus latency-associated nuclear antigen homolog in an acute lymphoproliferative disease of cattle.
investigated whether latency establishment could explain this apparent absence of productive infection and sought to determine its role in MCF pathogenesis. First, whole-genome cellular and viral gene expression ...
Regulatory issues regarding manufacture and control of vaccine adjuvants. The EU situation.
for most vaccines not performed. At the Belgian Scientific institute of public health, MPL content is determined for batch release of a human papilloma virus vaccine and a hepatitis B vaccine. Testing ...
World Health Organization International Standard to harmonize assays for detection of hepatitis E virus RNA
diluted in pooled human plasma and lyophilized. A Japanese national standard, representing a genotype 3b HEV strain, was prepared and evaluated in parallel. The potencies of the standards were determined by ...
Prevalence and viral load of 51 genital human papillomavirus types and three subtypes
Very little is known about the prevalence and viral load of the majority of these low-risk (Lr-) HPV types in screening populations. We determined the prevalence of 51 HPV types and three subtypes in 999 ...
Iron status and its determinants in a nationally representative sample of pregnant women.
status and its determinants were assessed in a representative sample of Belgian pregnant women. Blood samples were collected and a questionnaire was completed face-to-face. Hemoglobin (Hb) and mean cell ...
Determinants and prevalence of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) carriage among residents in Belgian nursing homes: comparison of two national prevalence surveys: 2005 versus 2011
Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: Jans, B; O. Denis; Schoevaerdts, D; Katrien Latour; Boudewijn Catry; Nonhoff, C; Deplano, A; Huang, T.D.; Behrin, P; Bogaerts, P; Glupczynski, Y Source: 23rd European Congress of Cli ...
A MALDI-TOF MS procedure for clinical dermatophyte species identification in the routine laboratory2160
was to determine if this same assay could also be employed to identify clinical dermatophytes in the routine laboratory setting. The effects of the inclusion of cycloheximide in the culture medium and ...
Selenium bioaccessibility and bioavailability in Se-enriched food supplements.
intestinal absorption were used to determine the bioaccessible and bioavailable fractions of Se present in one specimen of each category of FS. The aim of the study was to verify to which extent the difference ...