Zoekresultaten - 869 results

Bovine tuberculosis surveillance alternatives in Belgium.

of the current bTB surveillance program in Belgium and to determine the sensitivity of this program. Secondly, alternatives to optimize the bTB surveillance in accordance with European legislation ...

Characteristics of serology-based vaccine potency models for foot-and-mouth disease virus.

3 different laboratories. The serum samples originated from 5 repeated PD (50) vaccine potency trials with a highly potent A/ IRN /11/96 vaccine. Receiver Operating Characteristic analysis was used to determine ...

Le glyphosate dans tous ses états

Changes effective glyphosate IS LE LEVEL method Quantification result results SES time Yield Abstract: The determination of glyphosate at trace level is unquestionably complicated. However, if the correct ...

Genotoxicity of water extracts from hypoxis species

cytotoxicity of these samples was established by determining their NI50 values (50% inhibition of NRU), and these results were used for dose-finding in genotoxicity tests. None of the tested extracts were ...

Determination of processing factors for residues of pesticides in food

Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: A. Bonnechère; WIV-ISP Source: Tuesday Seminar, Issue Scientific Institute of Public Health (2012) Keywords: factors food pesticide Pesticides Processing factor Residue Service:  Élé ...

Initiative for quality improvement and epidemiology among children and adolescents with diabetes (IQECAD)

delivery and barriers to successful outcomes was undertaken (available at: http://www.wiv-isp.be/epidemio/). Nearly all patients (≥95%) underwent determination of glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) and BMI. ...

Clean up strategy for the analysis of PAH in food of animal origin

of the PAH s. This research deals with the evaluation of different type of clean-up addition to the DACC to enable easy determination of the 16 PAH s. All the tests were performed with fish oil because ...

Comparison of multi-residue methods to determine pesticide residues in fruit, vegetables and cereals by GC-tandem mass spectrometry

Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: V. Hanot; Van Houche,M.; 3rd Latin American Pesticide Residue Workshop Source: 3rd Latin American Pesticide Residue Workshop, Issue 3rd Latin American Pesticide Residue Workshop (201 ...

Determination of the migration of primary aromatic amines from polyamide kitchenware using UPLC-MS/MS

10 µg/kg food or food simulant.In this contribution, a method for the quantitative determination of the migration of 26 PAA s from polyamide kitchenware is presented. The migration has been carried ...

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