Zoekresultaten - 868 results

Immunogenicity of an adjuvanted 2009 pandemic influenza A (H1N1) vaccine in haemodialysed patients

(GM) antibody titers were determined in each subject at D(0) and D(30). Seroconversion was defined as an increase in GM titers by a factor 4 or more. RESULTS: Fifty-three adult HD patients [aged 71 +/- ...

Qualitative risk assessment in a data-scarce environment: a model to assess the impact of control measures on spread of African Swine Fever.

estimates were determined by the expert group based on existing data or through expert opinion elicitation. Risk estimates were combined using two different combination matrices, one to combine estimates of ...

SYBR®Green qPCR methods for detection of endogenous reference genes in commodity crops: a step ahead in combinatory screening of Genetically Modified Crops in food and feed products

crop-specific SYBR-«Green qPCR methods can aid the development of an efficient tool for determining GMO presence in food and/or feed products Service:  Activités transversales en génomique appliquée Transversal ...

Comparison of four analytical techniques based on atomic spectrometry for the determination of total tin in canned foodstuffs.

Spectrophotometry, Atomic Tin Abstract: Different techniques for the determination of total tin in beverages and canned foods by atomic spectrometry were compared. The performance characteristics of inductively ...

Epidemiology of Pestivirus infection in wild ungulates of the French South Alps.

the prevalence of Pestivirus in some mountain wild ungulates and to determine their role in Pestivirus transmission, as mountain pastures are a place where cohabitations between wild and domestic ...

Trends in production of extended-spectrum beta-lactamases among Enterobacteriaceae of clinical interest: results of a nationwide survey in Belgian hospitals.

production was confirmed by phenotypic and genotypic tests. MIC s of 13 antimicrobial agents were determined by Etest. ESBL-encoding genes were identified by PCR sequencing and the bla(CTX-M) environment was ...

Cross-reactivity of antibodies in some commercial deoxynivalenol test kits against some fusariotoxins.

VERATOX, ROSA LF- DONQ, and MYCONTROLDON designed for deoxynivalenol (DON) determination in food and feedstuffs was evaluated against nivalenol, 3-acetylDON, 15-acetylDON, de-epoxy metabolite 1 of DON, ...

Symptoms and clinical signs associated with hospital admission and mortality for heart failure.

predicting factors for hospitalisation and mortality in heart failure. The aim of this study was to determine the symptoms and clinical signs at the time of the diagnosis of heart failure that predict ...

Dietary cadmium intake by the Belgian adult population.

intake of the Belgian adult population, to compare this dietary Cd exposure to the tolerable weekly intake (TWI) recently established by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and to determine the major ...

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