Zoekresultaten - 868 results

Parenteral versus oral administration of systemic antimicrobials in European nursing homes: a point-prevalence survey.

participating European nursing homes (NH s) and to analyse the resident characteristics and determinants associated with route of antimicrobial administration. METHODS: Data on resident characteristics and ...

Is individual educational level related to end-of-life care use? Results from a nationwide retrospective cohort study in Belgium.

Retrospective Studies Terminal Care Young adult Abstract: BACKGROUND: Educational level has repeatedly been identified as an important determinant of access to health care, but little is known about its influence ...

Tick-borne encephalitis virus seropositive dog detected in Belgium: screening of the canine population as sentinels for public health.

the seropositive dog could not explain beyond doubt where and when TBEV infection was acquired. Further surveillance is necessary to determine whether this dog remains a single travel-related case or ...

Prevalence of respiratory pathogens in diseased, non-vaccinated, routinely medicated veal calves.

Abstract: The prevalence of respiratory pathogens in diseased veal calves was determined in 24 respiratory disease outbreaks in 15 herds in Belgium. Bacteria were cultured from nasopharyngeal swabs and ...

Follow-up of the Bacillus cereus emetic toxin production in penne pasta under household conditions using liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry.

quantified by LC- MS method (LOD of 1 ng/ml, LOQ of 5 ng/ml) and growth was determined by culture-based enumeration. Inoculated B. cereus strains (10(5) CFU /g) were able to reach counts of more than 10(8) CFU ...

A rapid and environmental friendly determination of the dithiocarbamate metabolites ethylenethiourea and propylenethiourea in fruit and vegetables by ultra high performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Bonnechère, Aurore; Hanot, Vincent; Joris Van Loco Source: J Chromatogr A, Volume 1218, Issue 29, p.4627-31 (2011) Keywords: Chromatography, High Pressure Liquid Drug Stability Ethylenethiourea F ...

Development of a pyrosequencing assay for rapid assessment of quinolone resistance in Acinetobacter baumannii isolates36532

quinolone-resistance determining regions. A strong correlation was found between quinolone resistance and mutations in gyrA codon 83 and/or in the parC gene (codons 80 or 84). Absence of QRDR mutations was associated ...

Outbreak of Shigella sonnei infections in the Orthodox Jewish community of Antwerp, Belgium, April to August 200836530

study to identify potential risk factors. Stool samples were cultured and antibiotic susceptibility of the isolates was determined. Between April and August 2008, 42 cases were registered. All ...

Novel norovirus recombinants and of GII.4 sub-lineages associated with outbreaks between 2006 and 2010 in Belgium36558

to determine the genetic variation of NoVs strains circulating in Belgium, stool samples originating from patients infected with NoVs in foodborne outbreak investigations were analysed between December ...

Comparative proteomic profiles of Aspergillus fumigatus and Aspergillus lentulus strains by surface-enhanced laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (SELDI-TOF-MS)36568

parameters were determined to generate characteristic protein profiles of somatic and metabolic extracts of Aspergillus fumigatus strains using five different ProteinChips(R), eight growth conditions combining ...

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