Monitoring the evolution and impact of infectious diseases
Our service develops effective tools for the collection of information which are used to assess the scale and impact of infectious diseases on public health.
Flu, Lyme’s disease, measles, legionellosis (Legionnaire’s disease) and HIV are only a few of the infectious diseases of which we monitor the evolution within the population.
By describing the trends and identifying changes, we can make appropriate recommendations to the health authorities regarding the implementation of measures to combat and prevent these diseases.
Want to know more?
We describe and monitor the evolution of the epidemiology of infectious diseases using the information collected from various sources, including networks of GPs, hospitals and microbiologists. Once interpreted, we can use these data to assess the impact of such diseases on public health in terms of, for example, incidence or mortality. Using them, we are also able to determine the effect of preventive measures, such as vaccination, or of aggravating factors, such as age, extreme temperatures, etc.
The knowledge obtained about the infectious diseases allows the health authorities to take scientifically based decisions in, for example, the area of prevention. We also provide them with support in the event of a health emergency or a crisis not only at the local but also at the regional, national and international level.
At the federal level, we work very closely with FPS Public Health and NIHDI (INAMI-RIZIV). We also work with the Brussels-Capital Region, Walloon Region (l’Agence pour une Vie de Qualité, AVIQ) and the Flemish Community. All of our activities take place in a European context and we work closely with the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC).
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Our scientists
View all scientistsOur scientists
Name: Finaba Berete
Name: Nathalie Bossuyt
Name: Toon Braeye
Name: Ruben Brondeel
Name: Claire Brugerolles
Name: Natalia Bustos Sierra
Name: Laura Cornelissen
Name: Simon Couvreur
Name: Cato Dambre
Name: Laurane De Mot
Name: Géraldine De Muylder
Name: Maarten De Rouck
Name: Yinthe Dockx
Name: Reindert Ekelson
Name: Sébastien Fierens
Name: Laurence Geebelen
Name: Kimberley Hansford
Name: Pierre Hubin
Name: Stéphanie Jacquinet
Name: Raphael Janssens
Name: Hans Jonker
Name: Yves Lafort
Name: Valeska Laisnez
Name: Amaryl Lecompte
Name: Tinne Lernout
Name: Marie Lesenfants
Name: Amber Litzroth
Name: Hadrien Maloux
Name: Clara Mazagatos Ateca
Name: Anke Meyers
Name: Laure Mortgat
Name: Peace Mpakaniye
Name: Léonore Nasiadka
Name: Serge Nganda
Name: Ilse Peeters
Name: Javiera Rebolledo Romero
Name: Raphaël Rousseau
Name: Jorgen Stassijns
Name: Giulietta Stefani
Name: Dominique Van Beckhoven
Name: Dieter Van Cauteren
Name: Amber Van Laer
Name: Joris Van Loenhout
Name: Mathil Vandromme
Name: Catharina Vernemmen