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Data linkages for improved epidemiological surveillance of infectious diseases (EPI-LINK)
Strengthening Surveillance of Infectious Diseases in Belgium (BE-SURVID)
Monitoring the work-related well-being of professionals from the health care and social care sectors in Belgium (
Health Inequality Impact Assessment for Tobacco Control in Belgium (HIIA-TO)
GP Infection barometer (INFBARO)
European Network of Comprehensive Cancer Centre (EUNETCCC)
Health Data Enabled for Re-use Across Belgium (HeDERA)
Belgian Cancer Research Alliance (BECRA)
DistantButClose (DBC)
Prevalence study of carriage of resistant germs in Belgian nursing homes (MDRO NH)
Qualitative study in former smokers and current smokers unwilling of unable to quit (TabakTalks)
Accelerating demand-driven tools for paediatric innovation adoption: a collaborative roadmap for Europe (ADD4KIDS)
Belgian Mortality Monitoring in nursing homes (Be-MOMO in NH)
Quality, Utility and Maturity Measured; Developing a Data Quality and Utility Label for the European Health Data Space for secondary use (HealthData@EU) (QUANTUM)
Joint Action on Contribution to the Cancer Inequalities Registry to Monitor National Cancer Control Policies (OriON) (OriON)
European Vaccination Beyond COVID-19 (EUVABECO)
Joint Action on Cancer and other Non-Communicable Diseases Prevention: Action on Health Determinants (JA PreventNCD)
NeuroSurv, a surveillance system on neurological infectious diseases in Belgium (NeuroSurv)
The Belgian Pandemic Intelligence Network (BE-PIN)
Joint Action on Cardiovascular Disease and Diabetes (JACARDI)
A citizen-driven crowdsourcing and feedback system to stimulate research and policy relating to Flemish and local food environments. (Citizen Science Food)
Establishing of Cancer Mission Hubs: Networks and Synergies (ECHos)
Comprehensive Cancer Infrastructure for the European Union (CC4EU)
Belgian Index of Multiple Deprivation (BIMD)
Belgian Evaluation of Antimicrobial Stewardship Teams (BEAST)
Needs Examination, Evaluation and Dissemination (NEED)
Bringing together existing and new health data into a Belgian population cohort to assess the interaction between health, environment and society (BELCOHORT)
Retail drug quality project on heroin in 2023 (RADAR-heroin-23)
Care4Diabetes (C4D)
Development, testing, and implementation of the Belgian Patient Reported Experience measure for PAncreatic cancer caRE (PREPARE)
European Federation for Cancer Images (EUCAIM)
Oral health data registration and evaluation system (OHDRES)
Burden of disease based methods for estimating the socio-economic cost of environmental stressors (BEST-COST)
Union and National Capacity Building for IntegraTED Surveillance (U4S) (UNITED4Surveillance)
Belgian Cancer Inventory (Belgian Cancer Inventory)
An international research project to combat diet-related diseases through innovative diet-monitoring technologies and personalised nutrition (CO-DIET)
Longitudinal follow-up of SARS-CoV-2 immunity in immunocompromised populations in Belgium (COVICO)
Consolidation of national infrastructure for combined microbiological genomic-epidemiological surveillance of infectious diseases (HERA-BE-WGS)
Expertise Centre in Health Promotion for the Walloon Region (CEPS)
Belgian Handbook for Oncological Supportive Care: BeONCOsup (BeONCOsup)
EU interoperability with HERA’s IT platform (EU-HIP)
Surveillance of antimicrobial resistance in primary care - focus on uncomplicated uninary tract infections (SARPRIC-UTI)
The relationship between gambling sponsorship and the normalization and prevalence of gambling (GAMSPON)
Active surveillance to monitor zoonotic influenza transmission events (ZOOIS)
Improved monitoring of the disease burden attributable to substance use (SUBOD)
Monitoring the import of exotic animals, wild meat and the pathogens they carry (INTERCEPT)
PartnERship to Contrast HPV (PERCH)
Joint Action on network of Comprehensive Cancer Centres (CraNE)
Joint Action on European Networks of Expertise (JANE)
European Genomic Data Infrastructure (GDI)
Building the EU Cancer and Public Health Genomics platform (CAN.HEAL)
Influenza-like illness (including COVID-19) sentinel surveillance in Belgian nursing homes (ILI-NH)
Belgians debate the COVID-19 vaccination (Coronaconsultaties)
Fingerprinting of Smoke and Vape Products (PrintSmoke)
European health data space pilot for secondary use of health data (EHDS2 PILOT)
EU Joint Action on strengthening eHealth including telemedicine and remote monitoring for health care systems for cancer prevention and care (eCAN JA)
Belgian Health and Well-being Cohort (BELHEALTH)
A Coordination and Support Action to prepare platform: (
Strengthening Cancer Screening data collection to update European Cancer Information System and improve quality and coverage of cancer screening programmes in Europe (CanScreen-ECIS)
Knowledge, attitude and practices on mosquitoes and mosquito-borne diseases in the Belgian adult population (KAP-MOSQ)
An interdisciplinary strategy to identify medical devices as a source of allergic or pyrogenic reactions (QMED)
Antiviral medicine for early treatment of COVID-19 in residents during an outbreak in nursing homes (ANTICOV-NH)
Exploring the person-centredness of the Investigation to reveal the immune reaction upon COVID-vaccination in the Belgian cancer population: COVID protection and Vaccine safety study (REAL-V )
Measuring Social Participation Among People Living With Chronic Diseases (SPADIS)
Codification of Rare Diseases (OD4RD)
The development and a plan for implementation of Belgian Psychosocial Recommendations and guidelines Oncology (BePRO)
Belgian ‘Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan’ Mirror Group (BE EBCP )
National infrastructure for genomic-epidemiologic surveillance of infectious diseases (HERA-BE-Incubator-2021)
Monitoring of exotic Aedes mosquitoes in Belgium (MEMO+)
Development of shotgun METAgenoMics apprOaches in suppoRt of Public Health fOr the next Sequencing Era (METAMORPHOSE)
Innovations to accelerate vaccine development vaccine development and manufacture (INNO4VAC)
Salmonella biofilm formation in chronic carrier pigs: impact on gut colonization & antibiotic tolerance; functional diagnostics; and potential as target for non-antibiotic therapy (SalmiPIG)
Joint action to strengthen preparedness and response to biological and chemical terror attack (JA TERROR)
Long COVID and its physical, mental and social implications (COVIMPACT)
3-dimensional chromatographic approaches for screening of regulated plants in plant food supplements (3D-herbs)
Responding to outbreaks through co-creative inclusive equality strategies and collaboration (RESISTIRÉ)
Sequencing of SARS-CoV-2 viruses detected in the context of ILI, SARI and other COVID-19 laboratory surveillance and surveillance studies (SEQ-COVID-19-LABSURV)
Belgian SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination studies (BelCoVac)
HealthyCloud (HealthyCloud)
Global Burden of Animal Diseases (GBADs)
Monitoring of the whole genome sequencing (WGS) data of SARS-CoV-2 genomes to identify variants and their impact on detection methods (COVIPRIM_VAR2)
Development of a digital PCR method for accurate detection and quantification of SARS-CoV-2 (DIGICOVID)
Linking of registers for COVID-19 vaccine surveillance (LINK-VACC)
Development of a digital PCR method for accurate detection and quantification of SARS-CoV-2 and its variants (DIGICOVID_VAR)
Study on the prevalence of antibodies against the coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) in the Belgian population (SalivaHIS)
Address and reduce drug use of persons in prison and those recently released through data analysis and intervention programs (PRS20)
Towards the development of a National Health Data Platform (AHEAD)
Unravelling the long-term and indirect health impact of the COVID-19 crisis in Belgium (HELICON)
Advanced Computing for European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) (EGI-ACE)
Development of a method to assess the diversity of SARS-CoV-2 circulating strains in Belgium (COVIDDIVER)
Harmonised indicators for measuring progress toward more sustainable, healthier food systems (INFORMAS 2.0)
Population Health Information Research Infrastructure (PHIRI)
Understanding the dynamics and consequences of new psychoactive substances use in a rapidly changing (online) drug market (SCANNER)
Strengthen the capacity of governments and researchers in the evaluation of public policies on healthy food environments in Francophone West Africa to prevent the triple burden of malnutrition (NCDs-WAfrica)
Prevalence and Incidence of antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 in children and school staff for one year in Belgium: A seroepidemiological prospective cohort study (SeroCoBelChild)
National wastewater-based epidemiological surveillance (CoVWWSurv )
Impact of COVID-19 on the Meuse-Rhine Euroregion (euPrevent COVID)
The Belgian 1+Million Genomes Mirror Group (BE 1+MG Mirror Group)
Impact of the COVID-19 crisis on mental health of Health caRe wOrkErS in Belgium (BE-HEROES)
VALidation of SARS-CORona Virus-2 assays (VALCOR) (VALCOR)
Monitoring the performance of detection methods for SARS-CoV-2 in clinical samples using sequencing data (COVIPRIM)
VALidation of SARS-CORona Virus-2 assays (VALCOR)
The BCCM collections in the genomic era (BCCM GEN-ERA)
COVID-19 Health surveys (COVID19HIS)
SARS-CoV-2 prevalence, seroprevalence and seroconversion among healthcare workers in Belgium during the COVID-19 outbreak between April 2020 and April 2021 (SARS-CoV-2 HCW)
Epidemiological surveillance of COVID-19 mortality (COVID-19 Mortality)
Joint Action Towards the European Health Data Space (TEHDAS) (TEHDAS)
Implementation and sustainability of microbial resource research infrastructure for the 21st century (IS_MIRRI21)
Belgian Cancer Barometer 2020 (BCB2020)
oncNGS (oncNGS)
Exploring the evolutionary success of the antibiotic resistant Salmonella Kentucky ST198 (KENTUCKY)
Risk-based Screening for Cervical Cancer (RISCC) (RISCC)
European regimen accelerator for Tuberculosis (ERA4TB)
Fast Antimicrobial Resistance and Mobile-Element Detection using metagenomics for animal and human on-site tests (FARMED)
Unravelling data for rapid evidence-based response to COVID-19 (unCoVer)
Full-length sequencing to map and understand drivers and reservoirs of antimicrobial resistance (FULL_FORCE)
Monitoring and mitigating environmental health inequalities (ELLIS)
Investigation of resistance mechanisms in emerging pathogens with the 'OneHealth' concept as missing link (MissingLink)
A study on intentions, attitudes and competencies regarding health promotion in the Flemish population (Prevention barometer)
Co-creative and geographical approaches to tackle socioeconomic disparities in health enhancing lifestyle (CIVISANO)
European Burden of Disease Network (burden-eu)
Transcriptional Response for Antimicrobial Resistance detection in TB (TRACeR-TB)
Contribution of excessive weight status to the social impact of non-communicable diseases, multimorbidity and disability in Belgium: past, present, and future (WaIST)
Investigating the causes of the high prevalence of fluoroquinolone resistance in broilers (FLUPOUL)
Patient Reported Indicators Survey for people living with chronic conditions (PaRIS)
Presence of chlorinated paraffins in foodstuffs and intake of the Belgian population (PARCLINTA)
The presence of Chlamydia trachomatis among the population in Belgium (CTstudy)
Central Biobank Platform (Biobank)
The Belgian Survey on Drugs (DrugVibes)
Whole Genome Sequencing to streamline tuberculosis (TB) diagnosis, improve TB surveillance and optimise individualised drug resistant TB treatments: a pragmatic multicenter theragnostic trial (MysTicTB)
The BeLgian PREMs And PROMs iNitiatives working group (LEARN )
Business Impact Assessment on Obesity and Population Level Nutrition (BIA-Obesity)
The cost of current versus healthy sustainable diets in Belgium (DIETCOST)
Food monitoring system to track the nutritional quality of food products on the Belgian market (NUTRITRACK)
Citizens forum on the use of genomic information in health care (Burgerforum)
Feasibility of a population-based cohort in Belgium: development of a business case and roadmap (Belcohort)
Bringing a Health Claim to Information: “ Measuring the impact of health data on the health outcomes of European citizens” (BAHCI)
Development and implementation of a Belgian platform for the generation and use of “whole genome sequencing” (WGS) data for outbreak investigation, with the for human pathogenic Shiga-toxin producing Escherichia coli (STEC) as case study (
Joint Action on Health Information (InfAct – Information for Action)
DNA-debate (DNA-debate)
CBRN transversal expert group coordination (CBRN Coordination)
Promoting One Health in Europe through joint actions on foodborne zoonoses, antimicrobial resistance and emerging microbiological hazards (One Health EJP)
Development of a new generation of anti-tuberculosis vaccines for preventive and therapeutic approaches (TB-LAV/LV-VAC)
Development and harmonization of innovative methods for comprehensive analysis of foodborne toxigenic bacteria (TOX-detect)
VALidation of HUman papillomavirus assays and collection DEvices for HPV testing on Self-samples and urine samples (VALHUDES) (VALHUDES)
Local Health Interview Survey (LHIS)
Belgian Genetic Test Database (BGTD)
Belgian Roadmap for an Effective and Appropriate use of high-throughput technologies for response and preparedness in Different likelY scenarios of communicable disease threats (.Be READY)
Health, Environment and Susceptible Populations (HEASP)
Characterisation of antimicrobial resistance in bacteria, including plasmids, through the development of a generic NGS-based workflow and adapted databases (AMRSeq)
Development and application of next-generation sequencing (NGS) and metagenomics to improve influenza surveillance and pandemic preparedness in Belgium (NGS Influenza)
A liquid bead array system for the rapid genetic screening of antimicrobial resistance determinants: development and valorization in the « one-health » perspective (AMR-ARRAY)
Health Status Report (HSR)
Monitoring of Laboratory-Acquired Infections (LAI)
Monitoring of possible health effects of living in the vicinity of nuclear sites in Belgium: thyroid cancer incidence (NUCABEL 2A)
Monitoring of possible health effects of living in the vicinity of nuclear sites in Belgium: childhood leukemia incidence (NUCABEL 2B)
Development of a next-generation dual-target rabies/flavivirus plasmid-launched live-attenuated vaccine (Rabyd-Vax)
Health Examination Survey (HES)
Linkage of Health Interview Survey Data with Health Insurance Data (HISLink)
European Joint Action of Frailty (ADVANTAGE)
Molecular database foodborne outbreak (MolDbFBO)
Assessing the impact of using the web as a part of a mixed mode design for the Belgian Health Interview Survey (Webpilot)
Program PRECISION: The Belgian Molecular Profiling Program of Metastatic Cancer for Clinical Decision and Treatment Assignment (PRECISION)
Respiratory health of children and air pollution (AIRPOLLUTION_EXPOSURE)
Belgian National Burden of Disease Study (BeBOD)
Lumpy skin disease in Belgian cattle and potential vectors: risk assessment, diagnosis, control, vaccination, transmission and vector competence studies to prevent the introduction and spread (RCO LUMPY SKIN)
Analysis of data on allergy in the Brussels Capital Region (ALLRBC2)
National Reference Centre for Human Papillomavirus: monitoring the impact of vaccination on papillomavirus-induced cancers (NRC HPV)
Assessment of the impact of road traffic exposure on the health of the Brussels population: pilot project on individuals subjected to low and high levels of exposure (IMPASTRA)
Transversal platform of Biotechnology and Molecular Biology (BIOTECH Platform)
Revision of the dermatophyte taxonomy (DermatoTax)
Expertise laboratory for GMO analysis (GMOlab)
Assessing spatio-temporal relationships between respiratory health and biodiversity using individual wearable technology (RespirIT)
Nuclear Emergency Situations Improvement of Medical and Health Surveillance (SHAMISEN)
Tick-borne diseases in Belgium: identifying and communicating disease burden (HUMTICK)
More rapid and accurate identification of (zoonotic) Salmonella serotypes that are the object of official control in poultry and pork (SALMSTID)
National Reference Centre for Influenza: surveillance of influenza-like illness and severe acute respiratory infections in Belgium (NRC Influenza)
National Reference Centre for Hepatitis Virus B, C, D and E (NRC Hepatitis Viruses)
Development and application of differential diagnosis for respiratory viruses to improve surveillance and understanding of acute respiratory infectious disease in Belgium (Respi)
National Reference Centre for Measles, Mumps and Rubella virus: working to eliminate measles and rubella in Belgium (NRC MMR)
Development of next generation sequencing data analysis tools in support of a fast response for public health and food chain safety (NeXSplorer.iph)
TekenNet/TiquesNet/ZeckenNet (TiquesNet)
Development of a new, ultra-fast diagnostic platform for the identification and drug-susceptibility testing of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (TIDRACE)
Personalized Medicine: introduction of Next-Generation-Sequencing in Routine diagnostics in (hemato) oncology in Belgium (canc-NGS)
The Belgian Paediatric Palliative Care group: BPPC group (BPPC )
Next Generation Sequencing and Bioinformatics for Public Health (NGS&Bio-IT)
Hepatitis E virus epidemiology: follow up of an emerging food-borne zoonosis in Belgium (HEV EPI)
Introduction of MALDI-TOF for species identification and drug susceptibility testing in mycobacteria (MALDIMYCO)
Preparation of an epidemiological response tool in the event of a sanitary crisis due to a chemical accident (EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS)
Initiative for Quality improvement and Epidemiology in multidisciplinary Diabetic Foot Clinics (IQED-Foot)
Development of targeted genotyping methods for improved drug resistance surveillance (mPLEXABR)
Protective Effect of South African Plants on Mycotoxin-Induced Mutagenicity and Toxicity (Z.-Afrika)
Cancer Control (CanCon)
Antigenic drift in the surface proteins of the mumps virus and its impact on vaccine efficacy (Bofvax)
A 12-years trend analysis of candidemia in Belgium: incidence, drug resistance and antifungal consumption (CglabrataR)
Outbreak Support Team (OST)
Development of an integrated approach based on validated and standardised methods to support the implementation of the EC recommendation for a definition of nanomaterial (NanoDefine )
Tick-borne encephalitis virus eco-epidemiology: study of the prevalence and pathogenesis in rodents and wild animals (TBEV Epi)
Accelerated Development of Vaccine Benefit-Risk Collaboration in Europe (ADVANCE)
Improvement of anti-TB treatment by study of antibiotic resistance mechanisms (TB drugs)
A common European approach to the regulatory testing of Manufactured Nanomaterials (NANoREG)
The Orphanet Encyclopedia, Terminology and Website in Dutch (OrphaDutch)
Virus-host interplay at the early stages of infection (BELVIR)
Clinical validation of human papillomavirus assays (VALGENT) (VALGENT)
Communication with communities (Communication with communities)
Central Registry Rare Diseases (CRRD)
Severe Acute Respiratory Infection surveillance by a sentinel network of hospitals (SARI)
European Surveillance of Antimicrobial Consumption Network (ESAC-Net)
Clinical Biology LMM (LMM)
Point prevalence survey of healthcare-associated infections and antimicrobial use in acute care hospitals (ECDC-PPS)
Quality indicators for infection prevention and control in acute hospitals (NSIH_QI)
National Reference Laboratory/Centre for Rabies: surveillance and diagnosis of rabies in man and animal (NRL/NRC Rabies)
Belgian Treatment Demand Indicator Register (BTDIR)
Intradermal rabies vaccination trials in humans: towards shorter and cheaper rabies vaccination (Intradermo )
Diagnosis-Based Morbidity Statistics (MORBISTAT)
Cancer plan (Kankerplan)
Initiative for Quality Improvement and Epidemiology in Children and Adolescents with Diabetes (IQECAD)
Belgian neuromuscular diseases registry (BNMDR)
Focal Point International Data Collection (FocalPoint)
Coordination of the Risk Assessment Group (RAG)
Notifiable infectious diseases (EPI)
Belgian Hospitals – Surveillance of Antimicrobial Consumption (BeH-SAC)
Belgian Cystic Fibrosis Registry (BCFR)
Foodborne Disease Burden Epidemiology Reference Group (FERG)
National Surveillance of Clostridioides difficile infections in Belgian hospitals (NSIH-CDIF)
Hand Hygiene Campaign (HHC)
Healthcare-associated infections in long-term care facilities (NSIH-LTCF)
Next-Generation Sequencing in (hemato)-oncology (ComPerMed)
National Food Consumption Survey (FCS)
The Belgian Mortality Monitoring (Be-MOMO)
Comité voor de Eliminatie van Mazelen en Rubella (Committee for the Elimination of Measles and Rubella) in Belgium (CEMR )
Network of pediatric infectious disease surveillance (PediSurv)
Standardized Procedures of Mortality Analysis (SPMA)
Initiative for Quality improvement and Epidemiology in Diabetes (IQED)
The Belgian contribution to the international Orphanet database for rare diseases and orphan drugs (Orphanet Belgium)
National surveillance of surgical site infections (NSIH-SSI)
European Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance: Belgium (EARS-BE)
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease surveillance (CJD surveillance)
Belgian Early Warning System on Drugs (BEWSD)
National Certification Committee for poliomyelitis eradication (NCC)
Archives of Public Health (APH)
National surveillance of nosocomial infections in intensive care. (NSIH-ICU)
Health Interview Survey (HIS)
National surveillance of antimicrobial resistance (NSIH-AMR)
National surveillance of bloodstream infections in Belgian hospitals (NSIH-SEP)
National Reference Center for tuberculosis and mycobacteria (NRC Tuberc&myco)
Laboratory data networks for surveillance of infectious diseases (EPI)
Network of General Practitioners (SGPs)
Antibiotics and resistance (AMR-human)
National reference center for bacterial meningitis and gastrointestinal diseases (NRC bactMeng&gastro)
Animal health
Effectiveness and safety of vaccines, medicines and health products - Quality of medical laboratories
Food consumption and food safety
Health and disease monitoring
Health and environment
Quality of healthcare
QR code